We Quit Cigarettes

Glad you found it! Now you'll have fresh air to breathe!

Everybody's different and it is harder for some people to give up certain things. Some people have to quit cold turkey.

My father has been gaining weight consistently for 30 years. This year the doctor told him he needed to lose weight or he was at risk of dying. That scared him enough that he immediately gave up all carbs and sugar; it's been three months and he's lost about 40 lbs. For him, eating a single non-diet food would be the same as giving up. He can't do things half-way, or he won't do them at all.

I'm sort of like that too. Once I fall off the wagon it's easy to lose momentum. When I used to smoke, I never let myself have more than one per day. That worked for me because I knew I had something to look forward to. Attempting the same thing with alcohol failed. I kept drinking too much, and then NEEDING to drink. My brain was programmed to start drinking after work; I had to make myself start later and later, until I was only drinking right before bed, and drinking less. Eventually I switched to weed and herbal tea, which was surprisingly effective. I still have to be careful around alcohol, but I don't need it like I did before. My new ritual involves reading and too much tea :).

I don't know if any of that helps. Solidarity forever! No one can tell you what will work for you, but know that people are rooting for you. The important thing is that you recognize a problem and want to stop it!

Have you ever done shrooms? They are not addictive and can be excellent meditation-assistants. I heard someone describe it as: Your thoughts and patterns form pathways in your brain like a well-worn trail or a river. It's hard to get off those trails after you've gone down them so often. Psychedelics are a way to get off the beaten path and help you change your habits.
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My dad says he's going to get a prescription for Wellbutrin because he's too scared to take Chantix... He obviously read the side effects and other people's experiences 😩 told him I'm not going on family vacation in August if he doesn't quit... He sent me the middle finger emoji 😂
I was worried to death, almost, about side effects..

I worried for no reason.
Zero bad side effects.
Have you ever done shrooms? They are not addictive and can be excellent meditation-assistants. I heard someone describe it as: Your thoughts and patterns form pathways in your brain like a well worn path or a river. It's hard to get off those trails after you've gone down them so often. Psychedelics are a way to get off the beaten path and help you change your habits.
I mean this in the nicest way possible, but please tell me you are joking! If you aren't, this is very bad advice.
Everybody's different and it is harder for some people to give up certain things. Some people have to quit cold turkey.

My retired father has been gaining weight consistently for 30 years. This year the doctor told him he needed to lose weight or he was at risk of dying. That scared him enough that he immediately gave up all carbs and added sugar; it's been probably three months and he's lost about 40 lbs. The thing is, for him, eating a single non-diet food would be the same as giving up. He can't do things half-way, or he won't do them at all.

I'm sort of like that too. Once I fall off the wagon it's easy to lose momentum. When I used to smoke, I never let myself have more than one a day. That worked for me because I knew I had something to look forward to after a long day. Attempting to do the same thing with alcohol failed for me. I kept drinking too much, and then NEEDING to drink. My brain was programmed to start drinking after work; I had to make myself start later and later, until I was just drinking right before bed, and drinking less. Eventually I switched to weed and herbal tea, which was surprisingly effective. I still have to be careful about buying alcohol, because I do still struggle with moderation, but I don't need it like I did before. My new ritual involves reading and too much tea :).

I don't know if any of that helps. Solidarity forever! No one can tell you what will work for you, but know that people are rooting for you. The important thing is that you recognize a problem and want to stop it!

Have you ever done shrooms? They are not addictive and can be excellent meditation-assistants. I heard someone describe it as: Your thoughts and patterns form pathways in your brain like a well worn path or a river. It's hard to get off those trails after you've gone down them so often. Psychedelics are a way to get off the beaten path and help you change your habits.
I am the same way with my eating. I am plant-based or vegan however you want to say it... If I consume a piece of cake, which would be vegetarian, I almost have a panic attack about it because to me that is completely giving up. Eating something that is not vegan or plant-based to me makes me call myself weak.

I am very hard on myself with my eating and I always try to eat the best that I can. That doesn't mean that I don't have the vegan junk food every once in a while, but it's still vegan or plant based so I'm content with it.

My husband has done shrooms when he was younger and he told me that he had a bad experience with them and started seeing crazy things 🙈 to the point he did bodily harm. Shrooms are a bad idea.

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