We Quit Cigarettes

Ah, I see. What'll you get if you win, may I ask?
(I'm totally not looking for people to loot. You can trust me. Really!).
(That was a joke, sorry!).
I haven't decided what the prize will be yet.
throw them cigarettes in the garbage ,don't put anywhere so you can sneak out and get one,,,,years ago I bet my friend $25,00 that I could quit smoking and he was quiting also ,well I would hide cigarettes out side behind my barn ,well one sunday my friend came over ,and guess what caught me smoking out behind the barn cost me $25.00 dollars ,so after that I just threw mine away never smoked again ,but to late I got cancer ,never be able to speak a word again,,so take my advice please quit smoking
@ShannonR Are you winning today?
I made it through today!! I'm fixing to have a breakdown soon though if this added stress doesn't let up soon. Not the mass hysteria stress, other stuff. Soo grateful I am able to take a little bit of a break from school stuff for right now. I'm not sure I would have been able to finish the semester with okay grades if school hadn't been postponed for a little while.
Congratulations, Kiki!!!! One month, I am so proud of you!
I'm so proud of YOU, Shannon! Look what you're doing--the very thing heroic women have done throughout history--standing up in the midst of nigh-impossible odds and declaring that you will NOT be defeated. With your little ones in your arms, trusting you, depending on you, you fight on. Even when it seems impossible, when you've done all you can do, you stand.

You are an inspiration. Those are some lucky little boys, to have you for their mama. 💗 Don't you give up. We are ALL pulling for you to keep on winning. :hugs :hugs :hugs

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