We Quit Cigarettes

Today wasn't bad. Cold and thunderstorm outside today, stayed inside with the kids all day except for about 45 mins this eve when the sun peeked through. Didn't smoke. I cooked eggs 2 ways for the kids for brunch, each kids prefers them a different way. Cooked up a batch of rice and then made fried rice, and rice pudding this evening. Lots of leftovers in refrigerator. Got my spring cleaning started, until the younger toddler decided he was terrified of the vaccum with the hose attached to it and freaked out majorly.

One of my next door neighbors is certifiably crazy. I had talked to her and told her to let me know if my dog's fits whenever I leave the house bother her. Today she asked if I still had the dog. Then the dog wandered over and she saw him. She then proceeds to come right over as close as my fence as she could possibly get (thanks for that social distancing gesture lady) then tell me she hadn't heard my dog lately. I explained that because I am out of school and dont want to annoy my neighbors, I had been taking the dog with me whenever possible if i leave. This whack job lady then told me that she knows of a spiritual healer for pets, and if I gave this dude a picture of my dog he could somehow change my dog's personality. Wow. I told her I am not a very religious person and not interested right now. I'm offended, honestly. My dog has excellent behavior, considering he is 10 weeks old.... that friggin hag. I didn't buy a Rottweiler so he could be silent as a church mouse and not ruffle her precious little feathers.

Guess that I should add, this is a different neighbor than the one who complained awhile back. I have cranky old ladies living on both sides of me. One of them I like, but the spiritual nutjob.... not so much. She seems like a sneaky, backstabbing type of person.
Marking my spot.
I haven't read this post and I can't just yet.
Amazing the things you learn once your head clears :highfive:

You've sounded much better the last few days you've posted.

Keep on trucking youyou!

@webbysmeme , what aart said. You are starting to see the 'real' you again. As I have told you before you amaze me with your strength. Not everyone could accomplish what you are doing.
What a nightmare I broke my phone and cut our internet cable this week. It’s been sort of nice but also a nightmare.

getting back on line and catching up. I’m doing well, still not 100% with smoking if I’m honest but I’m winning tbe battle it’s just slower than I expected.

I GOT MY KARAKACHAN PUPPY. Pic later today. Hope everyone is well!
Meet Minnie Pearl! I’m smitten. She is the most chill puppy I’ve ever had.

Today wasn't bad. Cold and thunderstorm outside today, stayed inside with the kids all day except for about 45 mins this eve when the sun peeked through. Didn't smoke. I cooked eggs 2 ways for the kids for brunch, each kids prefers them a different way. Cooked up a batch of rice and then made fried rice, and rice pudding this evening. Lots of leftovers in refrigerator. Got my spring cleaning started, until the younger toddler decided he was terrified of the vaccum with the hose attached to it and freaked out majorly.

One of my next door neighbors is certifiably crazy. I had talked to her and told her to let me know if my dog's fits whenever I leave the house bother her. Today she asked if I still had the dog. Then the dog wandered over and she saw him. She then proceeds to come right over as close as my fence as she could possibly get (thanks for that social distancing gesture lady) then tell me she hadn't heard my dog lately. I explained that because I am out of school and dont want to annoy my neighbors, I had been taking the dog with me whenever possible if i leave. This whack job lady then told me that she knows of a spiritual healer for pets, and if I gave this dude a picture of my dog he could somehow change my dog's personality. Wow. I told her I am not a very religious person and not interested right now. I'm offended, honestly. My dog has excellent behavior, considering he is 10 weeks old.... that friggin hag. I didn't buy a Rottweiler so he could be silent as a church mouse and not ruffle her precious little feathers.

Guess that I should add, this is a different neighbor than the one who complained awhile back. I have cranky old ladies living on both sides of me. One of them I like, but the spiritual nutjob.... not so much. She seems like a sneaky, backstabbing type of person.
Give her a picture of a dog on the internet..print her a picture.
I dare you to.
@Sapphire Sebright and everyone, sorry I haven’t checked in for a while, but thanks for thinking of me!
With our stay at home order, my hubby has been cracking the whip (and I don’t mean that in the good way lol!). Just been staying busy around the house, etc, staying offline, watching movies, etc.

So the update isn’t great. I haven’t been able to completely stop smoking, but I am down to just a few a day, instead of 2 packs a day, so I still feel good accomplishment. Maybe when all this scare is over, I’ll be more relaxed and able. I know, excuses, excuses.

I hope everyone else is doing ok. I just can’t keep up with all the pages here. :oops: but I am still thinking of everyone and appreciate all the support!
Hang in there...the quit day is just around the corner.

You can do it.
I was watching Idol with the Princess.

It's good - go kill a few. It will make you feel better.

Now ya know it takes at least two weeks. SMH What breeds am I working with here ?

Oh yeah, before I forget - Good Morning Quitters. :celebrate
I can't even off a quail yet.

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