We Quit Cigarettes

Well that's the thing, NOBODY but YOU can make you quit You have to be ready to, if you are not ready, you won't Unfortunately for many it takes a life altering event like a heart attack or stroke to make them finally hit the it equals this... button on that calculator. It is a big mind trick but little pills and patches and stuff can help you stay on your game until you finally kick it. Just be careful IF you do use nicotine gum and stuff that you don't shift from doing a pack and a half a day of cigarettes to a pack and a half of gum a day. Oh it's healthier this way.. oh crap... is that a chicklet or a tooth??

I was in good health. No cholesterol issues or blood pressure and not obese, thankfully, when I quit. Hopefully I continue to stay in good health.

It's only been a year and a half but I can tell you I rarely ever think about it and I am positive I will never smoke again.
Every now and then I can walk past somebody smoking and I take a deep breath and think that it smells good then I snap out of it.
The first years after smoking I loved the smell of cigarettes too. But one day I found the smell not great at all. Nowadays , if possible I avoid the disgusting smell of cigarettes.

I couldn’t quit in my first pregnancy but could change the habit from 20 cigarettes to 8 a day. when my second baby was arriving I cought a bad cough. It hurt so much to cough that I stopped.

Smoked for about 15 years. And I didn't use a calculator for that. Started gradually. In the beginning/ a couple of years I smoked occasionally. So that doest count imo.
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I smoked for 16 years. I tried everything including medication. The only thing that got me off cigarettes for longer than a few (agonizing) weeks was switching to a Vape. It's still an addiction, and probably still unhealthy, but smoking caused breathing problems and asthma, I needed to quit. Since I started vaping I haven't had to use an asthma inhaler like *at all*. I've been tapering off the nicotine as well. I feel like it's the lesser evil and I recommend it to anyone who struggles to quit using other methods.
I smoked for 16 years. I tried everything including medication. The only thing that got me off cigarettes for longer than a few (agonizing) weeks was switching to a Vape. It's still an addiction, and probably still unhealthy, but smoking caused breathing problems and asthma, I needed to quit. Since I started vaping I haven't had to use an asthma inhaler like *at all*. I've been tapering off the nicotine as well. I feel like it's the lesser evil and I recommend it to anyone who struggles to quit using other methods.
I have no experience with vapouring. It sounds good as a method to quit. But the tastes and adjectives in the vapour liquids can cause health problems too. So vapouring is not a good thing as a substitute.
Many young people get hooked on vapouring nowadays (instead of getting hooked on cigarettes).
Vaping is NOT safe, these idiot kids, Ive been screaming at them for 20 years now about that crap. you are smoking RADIATOR fluid !! Oh but I only use natural oils bla bla, ok then set your deep fryer on fire and huff that. They are starting to see signs of it now but I give it about 20 more years and the rate of health issues caused from vaping is going to explode. That is one thing i WILL bitch people out about, you have NO idea what you are doing to yourself. Same clowns who will say oh but man,pot smoke is SOOoo much safer than cigarettes man... oh and it's not addictive either man, you got any weed man, I can't find any, my chickens ate it. Ive been following her around with a little baggie for better part of a day but can't get my stash back man. Chicken hash...

On a serious note though, NO chewing and vaping are NOT safe alternatives. ON THAT, another crutch for the dippers. They make a chew out of tea and mint leaves too, it taste horrible, it turns into like mud in your lip but may be another crutch to help you kick it once you do.

PS for those who have never really been addicted to something, this sounds funny, something you can laugh about with your friends while you mock us losers, I actually encourage you to do so!! If you can say, OMG how PATHETIC are THESE people, .....and that is enough to convince you and helps YOU to NEVER get into this yourself. then yes, I'll gladly be your sacrificial lamb to keep you off it.
The reason they can laugh is because of what you said in the first sentence, they've never been addicted to something. It's not funny in the slightest.
oh but man,pot smoke is SOOoo much safer than cigarettes man... oh and it's not addictive either man, you got any weed man, I can't find any, my chickens ate it. Ive been following her around with a little baggie for better part of a day but can't get my stash back man. Chicken hash...
This made me laugh. But in all seriousness, medical marijuana is also a much safer alternative to a lot of medications.

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