weak and slightly curled toes HELP!


11 Years
Jan 19, 2009
i have a week old chick that has been doing GREAT i had it in with the rest of my chicks that were from a week to two and half weeks old and it did fine, two days after we seperated the older chicks its started acting very sleepy it just sits there when i try to make it walk or move around it seems very shakey like its legs are weak, some of the younger chicks have had pastey butt could this be related? how can i get this chick back up and perky? they have fresh water and eat chick starter
Give it whole milk, sugar, and electrolytes. Sometimes chicks just fail to thrive. I had a chick die last year at a week of age because it wasn't properly absorbing nutrients, mostly sugar. There was nothing I could do for him.
Good luck! I give that to all my chicks the first few days. The milk keeps their gut clean, the sugar gives them energy, and the electrolytes helps everything get absorbed properly.
Most feed stores carry them. They sell $3-5 a bag and a bag will last you a long while. They're usually in the cattle/swine/large livestock area, but most brands serve several species. Be sure to add just a small small small pinch to the milk. There's a homemade recipe too... but I don't know it off the top of my head and I can't remember where I found it.

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