Weak duck


10 Years
Apr 20, 2009
I have a pair of 5 week old ducks, and i noticed a couple days ago the rooster chicks i had in the pen with them had been pecking at one duck. I have since moved them away from each other and then today I noticed that the one that was getting pecked isnt very energetic. I have given him some sugar water but havent noticed much change. I cant see anything visably wrong with him. Any ideas?
I would imagine it was being picked on because it was weak...not because the roo was picking on your duck. (don't want you to be mad at the roo)

You have it in a separate area?

Is it eating and drinking? are you feeding it duck food?
Did you check to see if he has diarrhea? Sometimes they get a bug/bacteria and need antibiotics, also there is merecks sp? going around according to our avian vet. Also, check it's breathing to see if it is raspy, rattling or crackling. That would indicate a need for anitbiotics. I hope that helps...sometimes you just have to separate them so they don't have the stress from other birds.
Good luck!
I dont think his stools have been any different really. He has always had slightly watery stools. He is laying on his side a bit....IDK if he will make it throughout the night and the wife is all tore up about it. Im gonna see what happens tommorrow and maybe get some antibiotics.
well he made it through the night...looks a lil better. Wife is gonna call the vet later and see if he will look at him even though he doesnt usually treat birds.
Well I had gotten him some antibiotics and vitamins but he just kept getting worse. His bill started changing colors and he started to deficate on himself. IDK what it was that got him sick but we put him down.
Aww, sorry about your duck...

Four or five days ago one of my cayugas went totally lame!

I was really freaked out, because she was really weak and couldn't walk to get food or water, so I moved her around to the water/food all day and hoped for the best. EVEN BETTER (sarcasm), it was pouring rain all day and night the day she went lame. Three days of keeping her near food and water and a night of searching for her because she had wandered off and couldn't get back, and now she's pretty much fine.

It's like you shouldn't give up hope lol.
I didn't think she'd be okay so fast, and I still don't know what happened...

The to top it all of my goose died yesterday!

THAT was unexpected and horrifying...

Hope you don't feel too bad, sometimes you just get weak ducks.
Keep your chin up and maybe you can try again in the future.

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