weak duckling - what to do?


6 Years
May 22, 2014
Hi I am a first time duck mama. I've hatched three Indian Runner ducklings in my classroom and the third one is not doing as well as the other two. It had a really hard time hatching and after 24 hours of it being stuck I decided to help. I know there are mixed reviews on helping, but I figured either I help it out and it dies or I leave it in and it dies so... I helped. Now I have it alone in the incubator staying warm, it appears to still be weak and tired (naturally!). although, it has moved and flopped around quite a bit and raises it's head up. So I feel like it will eventually get it's strength but I'm wondering what I should do to help it along. I feel bad that it's all alone and I have to leave it in the classroom over night to boot. I don't think it's ready to be in the brooder with the other 2 day olds.

Will it be ok with them once I introduce tomorrow? I'm worried they'll push it around.
Also, should I feed it medicated food?
If so, what kind and how do I separate it from the others to feed it special?
Should I leave water with it in the incubator overnight? In a shallow dish? Perhaps I'll try to give some water before I go home.

Any advice would be great on how to boost this little one's energy and keep it going.

Thanks so much!
I find that to be too warm for mine and that they will become dehydrated very quickly at that temp. @amiga has a book, and I think it recommends 95, maybe even less. Any chance you can take it to a vet?

yes it has pooped.
i was concerned about the heat too and thought about putting in a separate bin with a heat lamp before I left school. i was worried about it being left open and alone though and thought it would be safer inside something. the thing is that i have other eggs in the incubator that i'm hoping might still hatch, kind of doubtful though, as it's pretty late. so i don't want to change the incubator temp. i gave it some water before i left and it drank a little. maybe i should go back and put it in a separate bin after all? i don't know what is best...maybe i should just bring it home to watch it.
ok i'm going to bring it home to watch it. in regards to my other questions:

should i feed it medicated food and if yes, which kind?
and do i need to do anything special when i introduce it to the other stronger ones? should i not? or wait longer? i know they are social so I don't want to keep it alone for too long. probably just tonight.

thanks so much for your help!
Ducklings are supposed to be at 90F for their first week in the brooder, according to Storey's Guide.

Ducklings do not require medicated food. I used a turkey-waterfowl starter and added a little chopped dried rolled oats (not instant) to reduce the protein percentage a little bit to line up with Storey's Guide recommendations.
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ok thanks.

now i'm noticing that when it peeps, fluid is coming out of its nares. and it tends to shake it's wings a lot in a shivering sort of way. i am keeping it warm but i worry about the quivering and fluid. i'm nervous to put it with the others if it's sick. any advice?
Hard to say what could be causing that. It's possible that it aspirated some fluid when it hatched. Is it drinking? Is it active?


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