Weak duckling with protruding belly button????

The baby will be a week old tomorrow and is doing great! I can't believe it pulled through!!! They are a lot stronger than you think! Thanks for all your help :)
Here is a photo of all 8 having their first swim yesterday. The little guy at the top (black/small next to the yellowish one) Is the one I was so worried about. I think I'm going to name it "Hope"!

So great to hear! I named my two survivors "Rocky" and "Balboa"!! After the fighter! Rocky is making the sounds of a girl too - so that is super exciting! It is funny how at two weeks you can start to hear the girls!
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The baby will be a week old tomorrow and is doing great! I can't believe it pulled through!!! They are a lot stronger than you think! Thanks for all your help :)
Here is a photo of all 8 having their first swim yesterday. The little guy at the top (black/small next to the yellowish one) Is the one I was so worried about. I think I'm going to name it "Hope"!

Wonderful news they all look great.
I know this post is old ! I have one that has hatched early and the navel is protruding ! Last night it was wet. This morning it’s dry and detached ! Duckling is still very weak
Pic from last night


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go buy the poly vitamin drops in the infant section of your grocery store - minus the iron. It is important they get the nutrients to give them strength. My two were helped as well as they were shrink wrapped and not externally pipped several days late. It is a full week and they are now integrated with the rest. The smallest one is half the size of the others but he keeps up. I pull him out and give him vitamins in the poly drops a few times a day to help him with leg strength. I also kept them on hard boiled eggs a few days longer - with chick starter also - giving them a choice if they wanted to move to starter. They always ate all the eggs 1st. Only use the corn starch if there is blood on the umbilical cord - the rest should dry out and fall off by itself now. Good luck!!!!

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