Weak Hen


In the Brooder
Apr 17, 2022
Hello Guys,

could please help me with my chicks.
She is two months old, very weak but still eating even little.

her wings was down and when sleeping her butt was up, sometimes she has fever, poop was normal color, but wet.

i been treating her with promoxil powder for 4 days now but no improvement, now am trying Baxidil Se.


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Those two meds I am not familiar with. I assume they are antibiotics.

Has this chick been outside on the soil? If so, this could be coccidiosis. It would be wise to go ahead and find amprolium and treat for that. If it is coccidiosis, the amprolium usually produces quick improvement.

Are you in the US? If so, look for Corid.
Those two meds I am not familiar with. I assume they are antibiotics.

Has this chick been outside on the soil? If so, this could be coccidiosis. It would be wise to go ahead and find amprolium and treat for that. If it is coccidiosis, the amprolium usually produces quick improvement.

Are you in the US? If so, look for Corid
Yes Those are antibiotics against bacterial infection including coccidiosis,but i doubted that it was coccidiosis because poop seem normal to me.

shes been in cage from the beginning, never put them in the soil yet, i just seperate her from others.

can i deworm her right now?
If she's never been on soil, coccidiosis might be ruled out, but it's still possible to bring contaminated things into her cage if you've handled soil and not washed your hands.

If she has eaten any insect or worms you've caught outside, she could have worms, but this is unlikely at her age.

Switching to another antibiotic is a good move. Give it time.

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