Weak, Unbalanced and limp comb


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 30, 2014
Kirtland Hills, Ohio
Rescued a 4 month old Japanese Bantam cockerel from awful conditions. He and his flock mate were doing amazingly well until 2 days ago. Boy is very weak, can only walk backwards and now his comb is limp. I brought him to the vet yesterday and he was given a shot of antibiotics. I feel so helpless and have no idea what to do, as I have never seen symptoms presented as his have.

Has anyone seen these sort of symptoms before? I am so afraid it is Marek's...
Walking backward can be a symptom of wry neck. It can be a symptom of head injury, vitamin defiiency, or from certain diseases that affect the brain. Put them on vitamins that contain thiamine, vitamin E, and add selenium or you can get selenium from eggs fed to them. Here are some links to read:
I have poultry drench and kickin' chicken, both have good concentration of selenium. He ate eggs like a champ yesterday but can barely keep his head up or eyes open. I will try to give him a small amount of poultry drench. Thanks so much!!
You're welcome, and please give us an update on his condition. Dehydration and electrolyte imbalance can cause neurological symptoms too, so make sure that he gets plenty to drink by offering him a cup of water at times, since he is weak. I hope he starts to improve soon.
Sadly,my little boy became completely paralyzed and I had him euthanized. The vet was able to get 1ml of blood from his tiny heart and it will be tested for Marek's. This has been a hard lesson, as I vaccinate all my chicks but brought in a few older birds from a hoarder. So, until the results come back, I wait with bated breath and pray I don't lose anymore. Hard week for me, lost my beautiful dog, my beautiful bantam roo and my twins left for college...the last to leave. Lots of sad country music and some good whiskey will get me through!

Silly as it sounds, there is something so nice about having my BYC folk who share my same love for chickens!!

I'm so sorry.

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