Weaning chick off of cat food


Jun 10, 2017
Kauai Hawaii
Hello, we adopted an abandoned chick and had no food, so we researched and temporarily fed it cat food, we got chicken feed, but he only eats a little and still goes after cat food instead. Right now we're trying mixing the cat and chicken feeds, any better ideas? Please help, he has been the cat food for a while (but has mostly gotten his food by foraging for bugs which he is good at) and I am apprehensive about feeding him any more cat food even though he is healthy, smart, and very strong.
Please help we need to get him weaned so that he doesn't get sick from cat food and the chicken feed doesn't expire.
Maybe try mixing chicken feed and milworms chickens love milworms as treats and your chicken may start eating if you mix a little.If it does not like milworms try scrambled eggs mixed with chick feed.I recommend completely taking him off of the cat food and keep a eye on his weight to make sure he does not loose to much.They will eat if they get hungry and your chicken will be forced to eat the food.
cat food has too much salt, plus he might start purring and attacking song birds.
Your chick is getting protein from eating bugs and such.

maybe if you moisten the chick feed it will be more palatable to him. Is he a feral chicken? If so they are apparently thriving on what ever they do eat.
Just make the switch. Moisten the chicken feed with a little water. The chick will eat when hungry.

How old is the chick? How long have you been feeding him cat food? What kind of chicken feed are you offering now?
cat food has too much salt, plus he might start purring and attacking song birds.
Your chick is getting protein from eating bugs and such.

maybe if you moisten the chick feed it will be more palatable to him. Is he a feral chicken? If so they are apparently thriving on what ever they do eat.

He is a feral chicken, and when petted he trills. Uh oh...
He is a feral chicken, and when petted he trills. Uh oh...
Now he's stepping into the food bowl and scrating at it, he is eating it though.

LOL, it sounds like he's enjoying the petting. Scratching in the food bowl is absolute favorite thing to do - it seems the further they can fling food, the better it is;)!

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