Weaning chicks off the heat lamp...

Also, since you only have 3 chicks, consider using an old playpen. That's what I do for small batches. They can grow to 8 weeks with just three in there no problem.
Simple. Easy.. You can hang the light from the ceiling and cover the top with fencing. Here I was using screens, but I did make a top for it as well.
I gave my babies a beanie baby
Twigs I believe
I think it brings them comfort.Oddly My Muscovy ducks had a mirror mama! I only had two so it made them feel like they had more siblings.
I normally get rid of the heat lamp within 2 weeks. I turn it off on the normal times of the days and turn it back on when it get's cold.

I use a timer for this which makes it a lot easier.

I currently have 15 4-5 week old banty chicks in my RV. I have a 60watt bulb for night heat and there is a space heater on in there to keep the RV temp @ around 60 degrees. Our nights have been down in the 40's recently. During the day it heats up in there plenty. It's just at night that I worry about them being cold. Last night the bulb burned out and when I noticed it and went to replace it they were all huddled in the corner of the box. So I think they still need it.

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