Weasel attack, antibiotics, aspirin


Apr 23, 2022
Hello. My 8wk old Silkie was attacked by a weasel two days ago. She has two teeth puncture wounds on her back and one under her wing. I tried looking for a fourth but couldn’t find one. I’m flushing wounds with veterycin and today gave her a warm bath with dawn because it looked like she had mites and I wanted to clean the wounds better. On the first day I gave her some ibuprofen but yesterday and today gave her aspirin. I started amoxicillin yesterday. She can’t walk but she can move around with her wings and she can move her legs as well but she just doesn’t get up probably because of the pain. She is eating and drinking when I hand feed but mostly only until after the pain medicine has taken effect.

My questions are:
Since today is the 3rd day that I have given her pain meds, does that mean I can no longer give her any?
How many days do I need to administer amoxicillin?

Thank you to anyone who replies 🙏🏼
You can stop the aspirin. Continue to give her the amoxicillin for 7-10 days. Use Neosporin to treat the puncture wounds.
As far as the mites go, you need to treat the inside of her coop. Remove all bedding and nesting material and burn it or dispose of it in some manner far away from the coop.
Thoroughly clean out the coop and use Permethrin 10% concentrate spray to spray inside the coop including nest boxes. The container has a pamphlet attached for mixing instructions.
Then let the coop dry before adding fresh clean bedding.
Inspect your other birds for mites and treat accordingly before letting them in the "clean" coop or all your work will be for nothing.
You can stop the aspirin. Continue to give her the amoxicillin for 7-10 days. Use Neosporin to treat the puncture wounds.
As far as the mites go, you need to treat the inside of her coop. Remove all bedding and nesting material and burn it or dispose of it in some manner far away from the coop.
Thoroughly clean out the coop and use Permethrin 10% concentrate spray to spray inside the coop including nest boxes. The container has a pamphlet attached for mixing instructions.
Then let the coop dry before adding fresh clean bedding.
Inspect your other birds for mites and treat accordingly before letting them in the "clean" coop or all your work will be for nothing.
Thank you so much for replying! I read your reply and was planning on doing 7 days but since she still wasn’t walking I took her to the vet and they recommended laser therapy to heal the damaged nerves and they said it also kills any infection so I stopped the antibiotics. I didn’t want to keep doing damage to her stomach.
Thank you!!

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