weather and egg production

I had five hens all laying when I got them. The weather was in the 70s and 80s at that time, but with the change back to 40s and 50s during the day and 30s and 40s at night they have been laying irregularly. I was getting five a day at first, but now I get one to five a day. When we have had a stretch of a couple of days of nice warm weather we are getting five again, but less when the weather changes. It's been pretty crazy this year in Arkansas so far.
ok thanks I was hoping it was just that and not a sick hens or a egg eater. I've been averaging 15 eggs a day but 4 weeks ago they had been laying a steady 17 eggs a day. I have 18 hens (10 Dominique and 8 Rhode Island Red).

Thanks for the help
I have 6 golden comet hens this week because the weather is so different every day my hens haven't played a egg they were giving me 6 every day now it is none or 1 a day
also there had been squirrels stealing my eggs but I believe that that is taken care of but there has been no increase in egg production since.


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