websites for swollen jointed pekin duck?


10 Years
Mar 2, 2009
central ohio
I just noticed my 6+yo female pekin duck,whos been limping for some time, NOW has swollen warm joints on one leg. is there anyplace online that might have suggestions? $ HUGE issue and do not want to destroy her as she is eating/drinking/pooping good. I fear bringing her in the house to float her will be uncomfortable(its getting cooler out-30's at night) and dobn't know if cool water floats would help. ?.
You are looking at the website right now. I'm not sure but it could be rickets. Switch to another brand of feed maybe?
I would not believe rickets but certainly will try anything reasonable. they are fed dumor layer crumbles(for entire 6 yrs)and they free range from dawn to dusk so maybe something for senior ducks? I am looking on here trying to get suggestions.
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