WEEDS!!!!!! Silkie just choked to death!


In the Brooder
11 Years
May 20, 2008
We are always pulling weeds and feeding the chickens and turkeys but today one died from aparently choking. My son came in screeming that one of the silkies died. Im a non believer so I go to see for myself. Sure enough still warm with a weed stuck in its mouth. We feel awful about it. Im guessing this was a freak accident, anyone else have this happen?

I did have my son pull the weed out-in hopes with a miracle that it would start breathing again. It ended up being several inches long-like a good 9.

Hope this doesnt happen to anyone else! No more weeds at our house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:|
They can get them caught. I'm sorry this happened to your silkie
Try to rip grass and weeds into small pieces first.
Wow, I am so sorry for your loss

Thank you for posting this though as a warning. I never would have thought. I was going to pull up some weeds tonight for the girls but was lucky enough to find some grass instead (we are relandscaping and everything is dying). I'm glad I did!

Again, sorry for your loss....
You just wouldnt think that a weed growing by the fence would do that to a grown chicken! I guess we all choke sometimes though.
..i'm so sorry that you lost your girl!!..
....... but yep..i also almost lost my ameracauna...i was feeding them carrot tops from my garden...i never cut them...figured they would be smart enough to peck it apart or something,,..
..so anyways...i saw her running around...opening and closing her mouth..(like gasping)..with the top still hanging out of her mouth...so i grabbed her..and pulled..(thank god i was there)..and i pulled up quite a few inches of it..then i was panicing because i felt resistance when i pulled it..like it was already in her crop or something..thought i damaged her insides somehow..but she was fine..and now i cut them up...again..so sorry..Wendy
I, too, am so sorry for your Silkie!

I've never given tall weeds a second thought. We have to keep the yard mowed so low (or else we breed mosquitos)...good to keep in mind in those winter months...and like one poster said for garden greens and grapes!

Thank you for sharing!!

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