Week old Buff Orp not doing well!!


7 Years
Feb 22, 2012
I have a week old orp I bought at a chicken swap at the Tractor Supply in Delmont, PA and it started looking sick yesterday. I am using the chicken electrolyte water and trying to get it to drink some which it does. It kinda just "hunkers" down - not quite sitting but not standing. It keeps one eye closed most of the time. I noticed yesterday that it poo'ed when I was holding it and it was clear and watery. Even when I pick the little one up it doesn't try to stand up all the way or react much at all. Just stays in the hunkered position and same when I put it back in the brooder. Should I Isolate this one from the other 10? I am worried it will be dead before I get home tonight. Does this sound like anything I should be treating the other's for or is this one of the they all don't survive no matter what you do things? My first flock of chickens and I am worried that they will all get sick. Any help would be appreciated!


First of all, I wouldn't buy chickens at a swap meet. That's where people bring their unwanted chickens, and sometimes you come home with disease, I have seen many posts of peoples swap meet chickens dying, but other cases they are actually healthy. It's just a risk you take.

She sounds stressed, so Poly-vi-sol (with no iron) or some electrolytes should help her. She is just a week old chick and should be isolated from the others so they don't pick on her, and the temperature of her individual brooder should be at 95-90F.

Since you are already using electrolytes, I'll just give you the instructions of Poly-vi-sol dosage. (You can find Poly-vi-sol at drugstores, no prescription is needed.)

1 mL of Poly-vi-sol (no Iron) per gallon

.5 mL of Poly-vi-sol (no Iron) per quart.

I hope she gets better soon~
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First of all, I wouldn't buy chickens at a swap meet. That's where people bring their unwanted chickens, and sometimes you come home with disease, I have seen many posts of peoples swap meet chickens dying, but other cases they are actually healthy. It's just a risk you take.

She sounds stressed, so Poly-vi-sol (with no iron) or some electrolytes should help her. She is just a week old chick and should be isolated from the others so they don't pick on her, and the temperature of her individual brooder should be at 95-90F. 

Since you are already using electrolytes, I'll just give you the instructions of Poly-vi-sol dosage. (You can find Poly-vi-sol at drugstores, no prescription is needed.) 

1 mL of Poly-vi-sol (no Iron)  per gallon

.5 mL of Poly-vi-sol (no Iron) per quart. 

I hope she gets better soon~

I agree with the Poly Vi Sol treatment. Never had to use it before until this year. It works great.

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