Weekend coop building extravaganza

Hadn't touched the coop since this weekend, but today I spent a little time dealing with the pop door. I wanted to continue the metal accents theme, so I drew something up and got to cuttin'.



I found some descent looking cheap hinge hardware that I thought would serve the purpose. Didn't like the cheesy little screws they packaged with it though, so I drilled the holes to make room for my own

(Theirs left, mine right)


I wanted an easy, predator proof lock and this seems to do the trick. Still have to paint it black and add a bumper/spacer so that closing the latch presses the door into it's seat, but ya get the idea. (screws not all installed since it still has to come off to paint)


The back side will serve as the ramp and will get cleats for bird traction.


We're heading to Chicago this weekend so won't get much coop time, but hopefully we can start to throw paint on Fri evening.

As for the chick update...

So we've been joking that our painfully small bantam would somehow turn out to be a roo. Both bantams we got were straight run so the possibility was there. Well, in the last few days it has become apparent that's the case

Him in comparison to the others born at the same time.



According to chicken folk smarter than I over in the Breed/Gender Guessing section of this forum, he appears to be a Silver Duckwing OEGB.



Here's to you little guy!
You are making me look bad with all of that fancy metal work.
Wish I had a plasma cutter table that was computer controlled. All I did today was make my own chicken plucker. You win.
Not so sure of that... I'll be tediously plucking by hand under the mocking shadow of the metal work while you're sitting comfortably by a neat stack of naked birds, cold beer in hand!

I love it! super design!! You are a man after my own heart with the little extras for "style". Beautiful!
Love the coop! As a fellow artist, love the metalwork! But I gotta say that your avatar makes me smile every time I see it! The expression on your face is too cute for words!
One thing I just thought about, with your dirt floor. I know you are going to have a deep bedding, but dont be surprised if they find the dirt below
and want to dig holes. What we did is take a old trampoline top, (the bouncy part) and fastened it down on the floor. We've done this for our horses as well. It keeps them from digging holes, and it allows for drainage too. And the best part is, its easy to clean. I keep a shop broom in my barn, and when its clean out time I just sweep it out. Same goes for the horses. Very easy to work with.

Just an idea

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