Weekend coop building extravaganza

Wow, that is an awesome coop!
I love the idea of a sliding glass door.
Just wondering if the metal work was coming back off when you paint!
I sure wouldn't be able to not get paint on them!! They would be covered! Beautiful work by the way!!
Yes it will be
I'll probably change the screws then too with some black button heads.

Been kinda rained out this week but hope to get back at it and finish up this weekend
I love you coop!!!
oh and the baby chick pix are cute to.

I am with you on our generation looking at me funny when I say I would rather be outside with my chickens or in the garden. We are getting rid of our satellite tv at the end of this billing cycle and I can't wait. Since we live in the boondocks and I don't want to hook up an antenna I am going to keep local channels for $15 a month. I showed the kids that they can watch Disney or Nick jr on the computer and they bought into it, so soon we will with you! You know what though, even some of the older generations look at me funny.

I agree with some of the other posters, you can just build another coop and have 2. I started with 10 chickens last August. We now have 62!!! (we just hatched 8

Keep up the good work, you won't regret it.
Finally got some time again for the coop. The goal for today was to get it ready for paint. I've been fighting myself back and forth with how I wanted the windows to work. I knew I wanted them open most of the time, but still have the ability to close them down for big thunderstorms and during the winter. I finally decided on keeping things simple and clean.

I cut some 1/2" hardware cloth big enough to span both windows with enough around the edges to securely staple and then nailed up the trim. I screwed the trim in the corners as well so it's predator pry proof and finally, finished it off with paintable caulk.


And repeated on the other wall.


Didn't get pics before the wire, but I had done a pseudo frame around the windows to strengthen things up and to give nail/screw support.


When it comes time to close up the windows, we'll have drop in plexiglass panels in a frame structure and some sort of weather stripping to prevent drafts.


Then it was time to add the good 'ol chicken portal, aka pop door.


Just to give the idea, the door will be hinged at the bottom and latched at the top so I can lock it up at night.


Then during the day, the door will hinge down and act as the ramp/draw bridge
I'll glue some cleats onto it as well for traction.


Had to make sure it was up high enough to accommodate the deep litter method that will be our floor.


I received a suggestion earlier in this thread that I should have laid my stacked 2x4s vertically instead of horizontally over the door to resist sagging. It made sense, but since I wasn't about to rip out the wall, I created this bandaid fix. I cut a couple 2x4s and placed a 2x8 on top as a header. Then nailed it into the existing structure to add rigidity.


And finally, hardware clothed all my rafter vents (stapled to the roof since screws would be too long).



10pm by the time I was done. Yes, I did all the vent protection in the dark with one of my trusty Petzl headlights


I bet these ladies can't wait to get out of their little brooder!



Well done, Nuzzy. Those chickens will be living the life in their palace. The sliding door is excellent, and allows for copious amounts of light. You did er up right, brother.

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