weevils in my chicken food, will it affect her eggs

hay everyone my chicken didnt eat any of the stuff i sprayed and washed i did that out side her cage and left it in the sun to dry then i got on here and everyone told me to throw it away so i did, hope that clears that up sorry. it was the weevils she at that i was concerned about. shes happy and healthy today following me around the yard trying to peck at my feet like usel. take care
The weevils are not a problem, unless you have sprayed them too! Chickens eat bugs. They turn bugs into eggs. If you just bought this bag of feed, I'd take it back to the store and have them give you your money back. The problem is that those bugs are a sign that the feed is old and has not been stored properly. Moldy or buggy feed needs to be returned to the store for a refund IMO, because feed stores need to be accountable for supplying feed that is fresh and of decent quality. Old feed has very little nutrition in it. If there is any possibility that there is any insecticide residue in your feed bin, you must thoroughly wash it with soap and water. Are you sure the weevils came out of the new bag of feed, and weren't in your bin?
You have never collected grains from a field have you? Bugs are in the field, chickens eat bugs. You can not help but get weevils in your flour, wheat, corn meal,or rice just put it in a freezer and kill them then sift out. Companies equipment can not process out all the bugs.
confused chicken GIF
No weevils will not hurt the eggs. When they scratch on the ground and eat bugs they find everyting from ants to worms. Ive seen them even attack and eat a small black snake. Bugs are in grains of all kinds in the fields. It is impossible to remove them all. if you look closely to the rice you cook or some oats you will see black things in them that is weevils. They do not hurt you or your chickens.

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