Weird behavior, never seen or heard of this before. *UPDATE 4: Poisen Plant*


9 Years
Jun 26, 2010
Western Washington
My polish, Cher, is curving her head down so she is face planting. She won't move. I tried to 'untucked' her and she flipped over onto her back then immediately righted herself and put her face in the nestbox floor again. She never even uncurved her neck. She keeps rubbing her forehead on the floor. I didnt see her come out this morning so I have the feeling she has been doing this since this morning at least. What is this???
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I am so sorry Good luck. I would have posted but I hadn't a clue to your situation.
Ok, went and bought a 50 lb bag of DE. Everyone has been given a DE bath though Cher was the only one I saw mites on. Also dusted the coops and runs. Now to figure out how to get rid of the dang pigeons. I am guessing they are the source of this little problem.
Thank you everyone! I have ordered Sevin and poultry dust on top of using the DE right now. I am thinking of putting in a fake owl to scare off the pigeons. I just don't know if it would scare the ladies too...:/
Strange!!! So she was dipping her head to scrape the itchy mites off???? Are they red mites? I know with parrots we use Ivermectin to get rid of mites, and I have seen that for sale at feed stores. Good Luck! Poor girl!
They are actually black mites. De didn't do anything, Sevin is on now but so far little effect. Another weird note; I gave her a very thorough inspection and the mites are only on her head. She tore a bunch of feathers out of the back of her neck too. :/

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