Weird bug!

Well I wasn't quite sure where to post this, but I wanted to share it with you all, and after reading about this bug, it is considered beneficial in the garden, eating the bad bugs. So, without further ado, I present to you, the weirdest looking bug I've ever seen.

They look prehistoric, like they're wearing armor! I looked them up.
Wheel bugs...Never heard of them!
They move real slow, not aggressive, but if messed with they can bite & it hurts bad, so I moved them using a Magnolia leaf about an acre, away from my chickens.
Anyway...who knew?
Check it weird! Lol

Would anyone else like to share a weird bug story?View attachment 2401866
I have seen these around my garden and been curious. Thanks for sharing!
Ok there it is.. it's in the same family but different by the coloring. The ones in my yard are solid dark, not exactly the same bug, but super weird as well. I'm not messing with any of them!
The one you pictured is referred to as a Wheel bug. Belongs to the same family.

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