Weird Chicken Poop


In the Brooder
10 Years
Apr 10, 2009
This is not my picture, but a picture of the exact same weird poop I see in the coop every morning, I think it is coming from just one of the birds. The website I got this picture off of said it is intestinal lining & nothing to be worried about, but I still don't think it seems normal. Could it be worms or what? Any recommended treatments?

Thanks !

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What are your birds eating?

What treats do they get?

Try seeing if the poo coincides with what they are getting by laying off an item and seeing if there are any changes.

My birds don't get oyster shells anymore as I found whenever I gave them they would have bloody streaks on their eggs- oddly ONLY when they got oyster shells....

Give some probiotics and see if that helps...something could be stressing their intestinal lining- occasional poos like this are fine but daily would make me worried....

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I like the suggestion of withholding treats...the only treats they get are grapes right now....but they do get them every other day. I will withhold treats for a while and see if anything changes.

Since several people have said they have seen this in their hens it makes me wonder.

Thanks !
Do you think it could be from the egg making area? Its just not looking like cocci, although your grown hens will and can have cocci but that is generally loose, watery. Atleast that is what I just treated my girls for. You can have a fecal float at your local veterinarian to find out what type of blood that it is.

If you do not have medication or don't want to treat with the Sulmet or what ever the recommended treatment is, use yogurt or milk products. It does not cure cocci, yet it keeps the good bacteria in the intestine and keeps the girls healthy to fight off any health issues.

Good luck, oh, do your girls act dumpy? This is a sign that the birds I have show.
They are very healthy & happy. They are only 8 weeks old & are still on medicated feed so I doubt that it is cocci. I noticed there was very little weird poop today & they had no treats yesterday.....we will see what happens.
May want to wait till they are much older to give treats.

Its important to maintain certain vitamin/protien balances when they are young so hold off on treats as long as possible, and if given just give a tiny bit....for now. When they are adults you can be slightly more frivelous with the treating...

you know what they say about 'too much of a good thing'.

Definately add some probiotics or yougurt or both.

I know this thread is old but its just intestinal lining. Birds shed their intestinal lining once in awhile and its no cause for concern

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