Weird Combs on Chickens


In the Brooder
Dec 20, 2022
My chickens have recently began to develop coloration on their combs. At first, I thought it was nothing. I have been reading of potential injuries, and to put Neosporin on them to help with the healing process. I did not think much of it. However, recently, my chicken has began to develop white on her comb as well. Is it infected? My Roo also getting a black comb. What is this, and what should I do? To continue, a different hen has developed a cough. Does it have something to do with the combs on the other two?


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I’m in south Alabama, an hour away from the Florida border. It has been getting cold here recently, but our coldest was a few weeks ago at 11°F.
Looks like frostbite. Best thing to do is leave it alone. The parts that are black are necrotic and will fall off.
A few of my chickens got frostbite this year, too.
Okay, I will leave it alone for now and see if it gets any worse then. Thank you guys!
Could be frost bite, but, maybe not. If FB, then the affected parts will dry up and fall off by themselves.

If the comb is dark/purplish - then could indicate lack of oxygen, heart issue.

The second pic is not clear. There is a type of fungal infection that can impact chickens combs. Can’t remember the name of it, but it common, and turns the area white. I recall that over the counter anti fungal creams are said to help.
The roo looks like typical frostbite, which should just be left alone, but I think we need clearer pictures of the hen's comb to see what's going on there.

A coughing hen is a separate issue, possibly a respiratory illness or perhaps she just got something caught in her throat. I wouldn't worry too much unless you notice her having difficulty breathing or other symptoms like nasal discharge or conjunctivitis.
The roo looks like typical frostbite, which should just be left alone, but I think we need clearer pictures of the hen's comb to see what's going on there.

A coughing hen is a separate issue, possibly a respiratory illness or perhaps she just got something caught in her throat. I wouldn't worry too much unless you notice her having difficulty breathing or other symptoms like nasal discharge or conjunctivitis.
I will have to post another picture in the morning when I can catch her and have some light. Thank you for all for helping me feel relieved about the Roo so far😆
This is the new photo from this morning. Is this better?


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