Weird egg question...


Mar 22, 2022
OK so this is a super silly question: we have our first two eggs! YAY! We thought they were coming from our 4.5 month old BAs but hubby saw one of our not quite 3 month old SGs in the box where the eggs were found so it's possibly her.

Anyway, they're super tiny. Expected from such young chicks and I'm guessing the heat we've had doesn't help either? (90s and very dry periods inbetween storms here in WI). I don't have big hands and here's the pic. BUT, they're also SUPER clean. Nothing on them at all. Hubby actually asked if I washed the first one because it was so clean when I showed him. Why is this? They're sitting on our counter right now. And...the silly part.... are they OK to eat?

OK couple more...I checked yesterday morning when doing chores, nothing. But hubby found one when putting them to bed. I thought they laid in the morning?
And we've been putting straw in the boxes but they kick it all out? Why? Should I keep trying to refill it?


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I think they kick the straw around to make it comfortable for them. Like us fluffing out pillows. I use the liners that have straw like material. it is compact.
Cackle Hatchery Laying Hen Nest Box Pads - 13" x 13" (36 Pack) Don't worry about getting 36 eeeek. I get the small package delivered every three months
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OK so this is a super silly question: we have our first two eggs! YAY! We thought they were coming from our 4.5 month old BAs but hubby saw one of our not quite 3 month old SGs in the box where the eggs were found so it's possibly her.
It is not your three month old, that's just too young. Sometimes they play in the nests.

they're also SUPER clean. Nothing on them at all. Hubby actually asked if I washed the first one because it was so clean when I showed him. Why is this?
Usually they are very clean. Not sure why you'd expect anything else.

are they OK to eat?

I thought they laid in the morning?
More eggs are laid in the morning than after lunch for various reasons but I've had hens lay eggs up until they go to bed. Just because most lay in the morning doesn't mean they all do. You probably read that on here. Not everything you read on this forum is correct.

And we've been putting straw in the boxes but they kick it all out? Why? Should I keep trying to refill it?
If you want you can post a photo and we can look at it, but my guess is that you need to raise the lip on the nest a few inches to make it harder for them to scratch it out. I had that problem before and that was the fix.
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Yes they're safe to eat. If you plan on storing them on the counter, do not wash them (or only wash right before using).

x2 re: higher lip on nests helps keep the material in. Having a padded liner also helps, so even if they scratch out most of the material it really doesn't matter, the eggs will be protected. I fold up empty feed bags (sometimes with a sheet up recycled bubble wrap inside) to snugly fit the bottom of the nest box - if it gets soiled or damaged just remove and replace with a new one.

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