Weird Eggs


In the Brooder
Feb 16, 2018
Hi everyone! So my newest egg layer, who has been laying for a couple of weeks now, has been having a really hard time laying in general. She is an Ameracuana and lays six to seven eggs a week except usually once a week she will lay some bizarre egg. So far we’ve had three with no shell and a completely smashed one. We do have younger birds with our layers so they are on growers feed with oyster shells provided. I honestly have no idea what’s going on and if this is normal. My other egg layer is a red sex link and she is an egg laying machine. She started laying at fifteen weeks and has constantly laid perfect eggs since then. Anyways, just wondering if my poor little girl is okay and if there is anything I can do to help her:(
If she started laying at 15 weeks and lays 6-7 per week,
she's not likely an Ameraucana,
but an easter egger from the hatchery.

Is she eating the OS?
Are you positive these weak eggs are all from that one bird?
How many other birds do you have and how old are they all?
Oh no sorry to confuse you. My Ameracauna started laying at 22 weeks. I was just adding that my sex link has always had really good eggs so that’s why I think all of the strange eggs are from my Ameracauna. But yes I have seen her eat the oyster shells. I have four birds total. Two are fourteen weeks and two are around twenty seven weeks. And the place that I purchased her at just claimed that she’s an Ameracuana so I’m so use to just calling her that. I’ve heard that that’s not the right term and that it is so I don’t really know...

If she started laying at 15 weeks and lays 6-7 per week,
she's not likely an Ameraucana,
but an easter egger from the hatchery.

Is she eating the OS?
Are you positive these weak eggs are all from that one bird?
How many other birds do you have and how old are they all?
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None of what you describe is particularly unusual or concerning in a new layer

Oh okay good. I’m a fairly new chicken owner and have raised all of them from babies so I’m just making sure that this is normal or not since it is just one bird. Thank you!

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