Weird Red balls in poop


In the Brooder
Jul 31, 2021
Was away for a week and have noticed these in poop 2 days in a row now. Not in every pile, only 2 that I’ve seen.

Everyone seems happy, healthy, eating and drinking. Anyone got any idea what in earth they are?


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Welcome to BYC.
That is shed intestinal lining. I recommend that you get your birds started on Corid 9.6% liquid solution. Dosage is 9.5ml per gallon of water for 5 days. It must be their sole source of water to drink. Do not add anything into the mixture and do give your birds anything containing thiamine during treatment.
Corid can be found in the cattle section at a feed store. Let us know after 5 days how your birds are doing.
Welcome to BYC.
That is shed intestinal lining. I recommend that you get your birds started on Corid 9.6% liquid solution. Dosage is 9.5ml per gallon of water for 5 days. It must be their sole source of water to drink. Do not add anything into the mixture and do give your birds anything containing thiamine during treatment.
Corid can be found in the cattle section at a feed store. Let us know after 5 days how your birds are doing.
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Thanks mate. Doesn’t look off the shelf in Australia but I will hit up the feed store tomorrow and see what they have similar
Sorry for the gross picture. I found this in the yard today. The stringy bits in the lower right corner are that brick red color and when I cut open the things that look like earth worms in the center and bottom, they had that same brick red colored stringy stuff. The white stuff at the top was a weird consistency too. I've never seen any of this before. I just had a fecal float done for one of our hens (we have four that are 16 months old) and it came back clean and I didn't see who left this. Does Corid harm them if they don't have coccidiosis?
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I see what you're talking about in the lower right corner. You can go ahead and get them started on Corid if you wish.
Thank you. I started today and am giving an additional drench to the hen I now think left this. She's been broody, but now I think she may not be feeling well in addition to being broody. Poor thing. Last year she had a really bad case of tape worm and cocci. I am OCD about hygiene for them, so it's discouraging when this happens.
Sorry for the gross picture. I found this in the yard today. The stringy bits in the lower right corner are that brick red color and when I cut open the things that look like earth worms in the center and bottom, they had that same brick red colored stringy stuff. The white stuff at the top was a weird consistency too. I've never seen any of this before. I just had a fecal float done for one of our hens (we have four that are 16 months old) and it came back clean and I didn't see who left this. Does Corid harm them if they don't have coccidiosis?
View attachment 3174294
I’ll pass dinner tonight, thank you.

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