Weird stance when I get near

Yep, it's a hen's way of soliciting sex. If you don't have a rooster, then they're seeing if you'll do the honors!

When they did this to my DH and I, we'd just pet their backs and tails and they'd purr and squeak and then stand up, fluff, and walk off. Once we added a roo, they figured out the birds and the bees and don't do this for us any more.

Good answer!

I squeeze them in the front and rear of their wings and give them a pinch on the base of their tail. Talk about a happy girl. It's become a joke with friends when they come over to visit.
Yep, it's a hen's way of soliciting sex. If you don't have a rooster, then they're seeing if you'll do the honors!

When they did this to my DH and I, we'd just pet their backs and tails and they'd purr and squeak and then stand up, fluff, and walk off. Once we added a roo, they figured out the birds and the bees and don't do this for us any more.

Your reply cracks me up! "soliciting sex"!!
When we are inbetween roosters, they squat for my son (who is almost 10) and he knows they want to be mated. He has told people he is "mating" them when he pets their backs! "NO!! You are not mating them, you are petting them! Not the same!!"
Oh sure, hens look all prim and proper and perfectly plush, puffy and innocent, but I've watch my BA strut up to my roo and squat right in front of him....she's such a slut.

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