Weird things your dogs/cats have eaten?

One of dogs will eat anything (except chickens thankfully!)! Baby birds, chicken poop, lizards, etc., but the one that made me want to throw up was the tampon she got out of the trash.
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I had two puppies that ate Slugs. They only did it once. Took quite awhile to clean the slime out of their mouths.
socks, underwear, pockets to my pants in dirty laundry if I carry dog treats in them, rocks, chicken poop, the worst was a mushroom in my yard. My golden got reallly sick and threw up for a few hours, had drool about 2" long hanging from her mouth and her eyes were wild. I've never had to go to the vet though!
I had a large wolf hybrid who stood up on the counter one day and reached the take-out Chinese food I left sitting there during dinner one night. In the take-out was an order of teriyaki beef which included 10-inch wooden kebab skewers. She ate 6 pieces of beef with skewers. The remainder of the night was spent force feeding her a whole bottle of syrup of ipecac, followed by several doses of hydrogen peroxide until she... exploded everywhere for hours on end. Shockingly, 2 of the skewers were not chewed up at all. She had swallowed them whole with the beef on them. Thankfully the forced evacuation was completely successful and no surgery was needed. She also never even looked at Chinese food again.
Dusti ate a cigar as a puppy. We're not even sure where she found it (we don't smoke them) it was one of the little individual wrapped ones. I really don't remember any ill effects, and people told me it was natural dewormer.

Socks ate a cigarette butt as a kitten. She barfed that back up for me to clean up
A couple years ago my Rottweiler took an unopened box of Qtips and ate the entire thing. One hour later she yakked up a neatly diced pile of Qtips bits.

My little Puggle loves acorns...she will spend hours peeling and eating them all over the yard.
The black dog in my pictures eats everything. Let's just say it's included all the grossest things people have mentioned here. Unfortunately she has a sensitive stomach, so it becomes doubly gross when she pukes it all back up. The last one, well actually five piles, was chicken poop and black walnuts. It smelled really, really horrible. But nowhere near her worst.

My cat used to get into the used dental floss and eat it. Would stick out her bum until she chewed it off.

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