Weird things your dogs/cats have eaten?

It would be easier to list what the silly dog has not eaten.

Tino, a champion show Bichon Frise, has as far as I can remember over the years eaten

a cell phone,
cardboard boxes,
a bag of nestle tollhouse morsles (trip to vet for chocolate poisoning)
bag of twizzlers,
baked ziti,
bag of marshmallows
many many sandwiches.
starbucks venti vanilla latte.
the rabbit's pellets (ripped open the bag and pigged out.)
raided the rabbit cage for broccli
a loaf of bread
a pound of butter fresh from the store
a half a wheel of brie
chewed up a purse to get to a pack of peppermit chewing gum.
a mylar balloon
chciken poo
dog poo
chicken food
several DVD's
a bag of cotton balls
a tube of exema cream
a tube of graphite lubricant
my charcoal for the grill
a pack of altiod mints
chicken food scattered around by the flock.
wood shavings from the chicken coop.
shredded paper (we shred and compost old bills and such.)
mail. fresh from the mail box.
a sock.
unstuffed my 20 year old teddy bear and ate the stuffing.
packing peanuts
empty bag of dog food. (we empty it into a container so the dogs can't raid it, put the bag by the door to go out to the recycling and he ate large bit of the bag.)
television remote.
rabbit poo

Any time we go outside he has to be locked up in a secure spot so he doesn't go raiding for things to snack on. I don't know how he gets to half the things he does.

He once managed to get a sandwich off a shelf 5 feet up in the air without disturbing the plate. and he is only a 15lb little dog.
My teacup chihuahua ate a tiny little lego man head. You may ask how I know this. Well I got the great pleasure of taking him out to poop and I thought it was odd that his poop had a face. After closer inspection I told my son he has to be careful because the puppy ate his lego man head. My son looked at it and said without missing a beat, " Mom you have to wash it! I need that one!!"
Needless to say we don't have that lego man head anymore.
Granpa always said there's not much that's funnier than a dog poopin' yarn.

Though my first German Shepherd Dog had a thing for eating my room-mate's panties, so that was close.
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Gaaahhhh!! I hope I never run across that bill in the circulation.

This thread is so dang funny; dog poo with a face

I really needed a laugh, thanks everybody
The thing that stands out in my mind is Barbie shoes. My girls have girls of their own now, but when they were kids our chow/shep would eat their Barbie Doll shoes. When I would find a shoe while poop patrolling I would call the kids out to the yard and show them why they had to keep their Barbie things picked up. We still laugh about Poco pooping shoes.
I had a pygmy goat eat a check. A man bought goats from me and handed me a check. My pygmy grabbed the check from my hand and swallowed it. I was glad it wasn't cash.
A entire box of dental floss. The box and the floss, the little metal cutter was the only thing she left. She did pass it without issue.

She has also eaten pot holders and dish cloths.

The other usually gets the things off the counters or out of the basket, but she is the one that will start eating them. She also has a fascination with metal things. Doesn't chew on them, just collects them. Bits of metal, hand tools, screws, anything metal she finds.

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