Weird things your dogs/cats have eaten?

My dog eat a dead bird about a month ago... Eeeeeeewwww!
My old girl Terv got to a pyrex dish sitting in the sink. It had meatloaf remains on it, and she was after that. Well, the dish smashed on the tile floor, and Priscilla proceeded to eat about 1/4 of that pyrex dish! Glass usually passes fine, and she was none the worse for her experience.
One of my cats used to eat those dried worms that are on the driveway after it rains. Luckily he out grew that charming trait!

My friend's dog has a thing for paper, particularly money. And there's no getting it back from this dog, he chews them to bitty bits. My friend is very careful with his money.
One of ours got ahold of the mesh netting that goes around a pork roast.. Her poop was neatly bundled the next day.

One of ours ate rocks when she was a puppy.. She'd pick up little pieces of gravel or stone, mouth around on it for a second, and GULP.. We mentioned it to a vet who said it was probably a phase, but to watch her as he'd seen dogs come in with bellies full of rocks before. She grew out of it, thankfully.

Like a bunch of others here apparently, we also have a poop-eater.. I actually saw her nom-nom-nomming right from the tap of another of our dogs once. The other dog was kinda hunch-scooting away like "LEAVE...ME...ALONE...!!" That was bad..

Another one at a pint jar of bacon grease...the whole jar. She got really animated a short time afterward like "LEMMEOUTLEMMEOUTLEMMEOUT!!" She went out and made it just a few steps before unleashing something that's come to be known as a case of "the golden arches."

One of our cats -- no access to outside -- threw up *green grass* the other day.. The only thing we could figure is that somebody tracked some grass hay back inside and he ate that, rehydrated it, then puked it up...TADA!

The worst, and possibly most disturbing thing I've ever heard of was my BIL's dog.. Admittedly, this dog hated my BIL's wife, but one day the SIL hauls out a pair of pajama pants that the dog had destroyed and showed them to everyone..

The dog had only eaten the crotch.. The crotch was just, a perfect circle had been excised and consumed..

She had sorta anthropomorphized the dog and thought it was just being mean to eat only the crotch like that, but....well, dogs don't really understand pants. As such, they can't possibly understand what part's the crotch and what isn't. My mind immediately ran toward a real explanation for what caused the dog to do what it did, and.....yeah, I'm just gonna stop there because, frankly, having those thoughts pollute my mind once was more than enough for a lifetime..
Eating paper. It ALL started with Xena (1998-2008, RIP), then Rose learned it and taught it to Pyg. Xena could be blamed for "eating homework" because she really did eat homework. (You cold find it in her poo outside!) The other two (current) dogs gently take it from your hand, the table, a chair, and rip it up, not necessarily eating it every time. Guess they need more fiber in their diets!
We went on a day trip and I forgot to lock the doggie door so he would stay out side and when we came home SURPRISE! He had ate a hole in the middle of the matress about 4 feet wide and about 9" deep and three bibles and several video tapes that we didnt know he had ate till he started to pass the matress foam and there was the video tape tape around the trees and hanging out his rear..the vet said he had a poop of biblical preportions
Ah, Springer Spaniels.... yes. That sounds familiar. When my oldest Springer was a pup, he opened a kitchen drawer, stole a tube of superglue and ate that. He has crusty glue all over his face and stuck his whiskers together.

A trip to the vet for a checkup and he was fine.

ALSO: he is a world-class countersurfer and will consume an entire loaf of bread without apparently chewing, and must be supervised in the presence of laundry... I don't own a matching pair of socks and only last week he pulled the underwiring out of one of my bras and then ate the rest. It, er, 're-appeared' the following day. Yack.
CHICKEN EGGS! Arrgh! I just caught her with a shell. We have some 'Leave it!' training to do....
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