Welbar colors?


In the Brooder
Apr 8, 2023
My girls are supposed to be Welbar pulleys and so far I’ve no reason to doubt that. I have heard, however, that Welbars can come in two colors: Gold and Silver. I have one pullet with distinctly different colors on her head, though the rest of the body matches the rest of the flock. Anyone care to take a look? The chick with the dark head is the odd one out (right side, back to camera in 1st pic). 2nd pic is her from the front. Is she Silver or Gold?


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I see gold hackles on all of those birds, so I don't think any is silver. Depending on where you got them, it is possible you got one Bielefelder mixed in on accident. Or it could simply be a lighter colored bird. There is variation in any breed.

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