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I have 8 RR hens. I am new to chicken keeping. I have a chicken who started loosing feathers on her side and rear. In searching this site I thought mites. I treated her and the others with seven cleaned coop well use DE. Also they free range during the day and dust bath all the time. Still she had problems then I noticed a sore on her up by her tail on the side. I went to a feed store a man gave me an antibiotic to put on her. But then noticed that 5 of the chicken also loosing feathers. They are 6 months old and all laying. I ruled out molting from what I've read. The antiotic helped the sore but she is still so red on her sides and it's very warm to the touch. The other hens who lost feathers are ok just look funny again they lost on the sides and rear end. Then I thought the other three might be picking on them because I don't see a lot of feathers laying around. So we separated the three from the five. But the one poor girl still looks bad. She acts fine still lays eggs runs around with the rest of the hens. I just don't know what to do. The feed store said I should use the seven 2 times a day which I wasn't doing. But I read every two weeks. Who's right? I have been putting seven on them again and no change. I took a magnifying glass and see no bugs. Can anyone offer any help? I clean the coop out of all shaving and nest boxes every week, they eat durmor brand food from tractor supply, I give them a small scoop of cracked corn in the morning, and throw them an apple or watermelon pieces once a day. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
@vickisines Welcome to BYC! It sounds like you may have have a feather pecking problem. You should start a thread on this in the Managing Your Flock forum section. Some photos would help us help you, also can you tell us a bit more about your set-up? How big is the coop/run area etc.

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