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I'm sorry I've been "absent". The fever and other stomach troubles just stopped 2 days ago. Just finished my antibiotics yesterday. Wrist has been killing me-swollen by the end of the day and hand and arm are still changing colors
I need to start therapy but CDC said I couldn't be around anyone until I was fever and poo free for 48 hours or the completion of my antibiotics. On top of that I got a horrible phone call on Monday-my first boyfriend from high school and dear friend of 28 years had a massive heart attack at 44 years old and passed away suddenly. It hit me hard-just went to the funeral yesterday. I've just been kind of miserable on top of not being able to figure out my electrical issues to the coop waterers. Hopefully I can get some really good sleep the next couple days. Mom & pops were cool-my tree was too much for me this year so they brought their 6 footer over so I would have a tree up. Babies are hatching everywhere and everything else is pretty much the same. Thank God for Amazon Prime or nobody would be getting Christmas presents! Hope everyone is well. Hoping 2017 will start better than 2016 is ending

One of my Silver Campine cockerels from wisher1000.

So pretty! Just look tiny compared to what I'm used to! :gig

Later tonight the Princess and I are going to a Chanukah party at the home of some of her theatrical friends.  Food is great, and people are pleasant, but I have zip in common with them, and am seriously not a social person.  Last year they looked at me askance when I asked if they had Velcro so that I could attach the yarmulke to my head.  Seemed like a reasonable request to me.  They have a nice little dog.  I'll find a corner and talk with her.  Think of me, friends.


Ten -hut!. Check out the little runt at the rear of the line.

That's just adorable! :love

Oz, I don't need anymore 'good' ideas.  Her theatrical friends think that I am a bit off already.  Several years ago a young couple from the theater group wanted a dog.  While showing them the dog I simply said, "You know they say that Jesus walks among us in many forms.  Just look into that dog's eyes."  Not right away but eventually they did take the dog.  As they were pulling out of the driveway the Princess looked at me quizzically , and I asked "What ?  The Jesus analogy?"  She said, "Where the heck did that come from?"  I shrugged and said, "Well anyway your theatrical friends will now have great empathy for you since your husband is suffering from dementia."  :lau   This was a far longer story that has been shortened.

My hero... :bow

Am I the only one that wants to hear the long version?

Think it's unanimous... we all want to hear the long version... :D
I'm sorry I've been "absent". The fever and other stomach troubles just stopped 2 days ago. Just finished my antibiotics yesterday. Wrist has been killing me-swollen by the end of the day and hand and arm are still changing colors
I need to start therapy but CDC said I couldn't be around anyone until I was fever and poo free for 48 hours or the completion of my antibiotics. On top of that I got a horrible phone call on Monday-my first boyfriend from high school and dear friend of 28 years had a massive heart attack at 44 years old and passed away suddenly. It hit me hard-just went to the funeral yesterday. I've just been kind of miserable on top of not being able to figure out my electrical issues to the coop waterers. Hopefully I can get some really good sleep the next couple days. Mom & pops were cool-my tree was too much for me this year so they brought their 6 footer over so I would have a tree up. Babies are hatching everywhere and everything else is pretty much the same. Thank God for Amazon Prime or nobody would be getting Christmas presents! Hope everyone is well. Hoping 2017 will start better than 2016 is ending
So pretty! Just look tiny compared to what I'm used to! :gig
That's just adorable! :love
My hero... :bow
Think it's unanimous... we all want to hear the long version... :D

The SC are very light for a LF for sure but they lay a very large egg for their size. That ones already hopping up in my lap.

That was the AM chicks first time free ranging. Maybe that's why they stood so proud and tall. :)

Ditto on the long version.
The SC are very light for a LF for sure but they lay a very large egg for their size. That ones already hopping up in my lap.

That was the AM chicks first time free ranging. Maybe that's why they stood so proud and tall. :)

Ditto on the long version.

Ah! That was the 'Oh, chit!!! The run just got HUGE!!!!' moment... :lau
Hang in there, Mel... just take it easy as much as you can...
Thank God I didn't go to Knoxville!!! That would have been ugly!!! See-everything happens for a reason
I just don't always like it. My problem is I have only had the strength to do the seramas and lay here and stare at the tv or computer cause it hurts to type. so that means I look at "stuff" to buy
I will plead the fifth on this one....

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