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sure beats a chipolata
Lot's of things beat sausages though
Phil Don't let an EKG freak you out. I'm not saying don't be concerned-I've just seen so many abnormal EKG's that have been cause by a simple fix of an electrolyte imbalance. Call me and I can explain real quick if you want. Dont read the internet!!! Are they gonna stress her or cath her or just an echo for now?

I learned a long time ago not to look into information on my own.... When i had Leukemia I just listened to my Dr...... PERIOD ..... I know the R who is working on my wife.. He is the same Dr who worked on my heart.... He is good.
She is so depressed as it is this isn't going to help
I learned a long time ago not to look into information on my own.... When i had Leukemia I just listened to my Dr...... PERIOD ..... I know the R who is working on my wife.. He is the same Dr who worked on my heart.... He is good.
She is so depressed as it is this isn't going to help
I would say a prayer but I'm nowhere saintly enough for anyone worthwhile to listen.. So
and know I got your back for whatever you need

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