Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

Spook too old to climb trees anymore. Cut cut down apple tree last year to get apples. No apples this year. But I got a nice stump.
LOL...leave the trees & maybe apples fall eventually.
Tonight's dinner
:drool Oh, I bet that smells heavenly when it comes out of the oven.
I just lost my little black and white Call duckling :hit I was by the brooder playing with them, and suddenly she started making a horrible racket and was stretched all out and was obviously not well. I scooped her up and she died almost immediately while I was holding her. I don't know what happened :(
:( Jeez, sorry! :hugs [CONTENTEMBED=/t/1101447/welcome-to-my-pond-swim-wade-or-sit-on-the-bank/55890#post_18406299 layout=inline] [/CONTENTEMBED] Good morning pondies!! I'm looking forward to no work tomorrow. Yay for a 3 day weekend.
Good morning. It did smell good, and tasted even better. :D enjoy you extra day off!
Doesn't everyone eat raw beaver?
I wish!

Good morning. It did smell good, and tasted even better.
enjoy you extra day off!
Thanks, Kathy!!

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