Welcome to my pond - Swim, wade, or sit on the bank

one northern.....27"....... Better than nothing.... So far.
Hi,Guy :frow:frow
Man, it's been a LONG time; since back in the "frog" days, if I recall. Good to see you. Last I remember, you were in the midst of building a new facility for the birds, weren't you?
Actually, I was in the process of selling and moving. Now we are now back in a house, and have a small little flock.
:eek: Wow, Friday! Your garden looks amazing! Love the archways. Thanks for the pics. I can't believe it looks even better than I imagined it would. :clap Fantastic job!!!!
Thanks - I didn't show you the not-so-pretty bare parts of the garden, nor the plants that I started that never went in the ground once my dad had his surgeries, then I got buried with work, then I slashed my finger up. Threw away way too much stuff.

Oh well, there's always next year. Some things are just more important.
fair. Changed the dressing on my dad and one wound looked horrible, so I emailed pics to the doc and he'll be admitted in the morning. Looks like I'll have time to catch up with you all tomorrow, as long as I remember my phone charger!

Oh, no!!! :hugs :fl :fl

Oh well, there's always next year. Some things are just more important.

TRUTH!!! :hugs

Your arches look gorgeous though...

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