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I got some turkey poults Friday. Two Slates, two chocolate and two blacks.
How many did you lose, and what did you replace them with?
Bear ate over half.... so, 14 ish maybe?

I have ordered...

Muscovy eggs, fancy colors off of ebay, a LARGE number :oops: ... and I am now wondering what I was thinking... my incubator is full (popped in eggs from the dead hens) and uh... Musvovy eggs are large....

Whatever.. :rolleyes: I haven't yet candled... maybe there will be room in there when the eggs show up?

My older sis heard of the tragedy.. and told me, AFTER the order was placed, that she ordered some "a small batch" of straight run Chanteclers that will show up this coming week.

I heard from her AFTER I had already ordered from McMurray, 5 black Muscovy straight run, 8 buff geese females and 4 males.... also a bunch of chickens...

4 pearl white leghorn female,
2 black copper marans female,
4 male Rose comb brown leghorns
4 speckled sussex females
4 buff orpington female

Yeah!!!! Uh.... what was I thinking???.

I have no interest in the Sussex or Orpingtons... but McMurray listed both as broody. And... I liked them best from the list of broody breeds. I ALMOST ordered faverolles, which I had once and are incredibly cute and sweet AND broody... but they have feathered feet, which I TRULY should NOT have in my climate. God intervened there... they were completely sold out for the season.

Then I got an email from McMurray saying "ha! No female geese for YOU!" So I ordered 8 female buff geese from Metzer farms. Even better! Less related!

And then I was thinking... uh... so...what am I going to do if any of the eggs in the incubator hatch? I had in my mind that I no longer had any bantams (the bear ate all of my bantam Wheaten Ameraucana). But, their eggs are in the incubator. :idunno

I was ALSO going to order some leghorn eggs from this fantastic breeder. He has glorious birds... and I have missed my leghorns.

He is getting on in years... who knows how much longer he will breed and sell eggs...

So I ASKED him... but this year all he has available are blacks.

Do I want black leghorns? I already bought those dark brown to go over the pearl whites....


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