Well, I'm a idiot!


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
I just made the rounds outside to see how first my chicks and then my adult chickens are dealing with our 103 degree, dangerous humidity weather.
The chicks were fine, though clearly miserable.
Then I went out to the adult coop. As I was walking up and stopped to adjust the flow on their outside water source, I noticed that 4 of my hens were really crowded up against the door of the coop. I said to them, "What's wrong with you silly girls? Don't you know how hot it is in that coop?? Come over here and get a nice cool drink of water!"
Then I actually walked over to the coop. I had forgotten to open the pop door so the hens could get inside during the day to lay their eggs.
As soon as I opened it all four hens rushed inside and another came running from out of the woods to join them.

Last year I forgot to lock the pop door at night once. This year I forgot to open it in the morning. My chickens should be safe from my mistakes for another year.
The adults seem to be doing okay. They stick mainly to the woods during the day. I have a hose rigged up over one of their outside waterers, which is actually a very large, shallow basin (used to be the basin of a feeder from the commercial houses). There's a constant drip of cool fresh water. They like to drink and stand in it.
The chicks are really uncomfortable, but other than cool water and fans not a whole lot I can do about it.
gritsar are you still talking German to your dogs and have they resolved the ear thing? Enquiring minds want to know.
The dogs know all their commands in german. Because I'm old and forgetful, I also tend to use the same german words with the cats and the chickens. Must be the tone of voice, they know what I mean.

Ear thing? Are you talking about Kane's ears not going up? They are up now and stay up, been that way for awhile. Now my only concern is whether or not Kane is purebred GSD or whether he's part moose.
I'm hoping my recent rash of forgetfulness is due to the heat and not the recent birthday.
It's hot enough to boil brains outside, especially brains on the smaller side.
AMEN....... what were we talking about?

Yep, with this last birthday I started believing in the hereafter, as in....I walk into a room and wonder, what am I here after?

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