Well, I'm in the 10%...


Urban Desert Chicken Enthusiast
Premium Feather Member
15 Years
May 14, 2008
North Phoenix
My Coop
My Coop
...of the "oldest" members of BYC... more than 90% of the members that have joined, joined after I did.

... and I'm member number 10,376 and I still haven't got 4 years under my belt like many who post here.

But I think the most important thing about BYC is: I continue to learn, many of the newer members have been keeping chickens for years and they bring a wealth of experience.

Thank you to all of you for your wonderful posts and especially to you dedicated breeders out there who work to make chickens better and especially for those of you who protect breeds that are few and far between.

Have a Happy Labor Day this weekend... I hope I survive this heat... I'm getting tired of it.

I have only a year under my belt! I rely on you old folks' for wisdom! haha
I think I joined close to the time you did Mahonri. Of course, it only took me two years to realize your sn is different than I thought it was...

I'm new here and even though I've had chickens and other fowl for eons in years past, I learn so much anew daily from everybody here...thanks to all!

Hoping all has a fun & safe weekend. Looks like we in the low deserts of AZ won't be cooling down until Nov...hang tough.
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I joined about a month and a half before you... how do you find your member number?

I hope you survive the heat, too! You should come to NoDak for the weekend. Forecast Saturday is 65/43, Sunday 74/49 and Monday 79/54. So Saturday night could be just 11 degrees above freezing. Bleah...
If you go to your profile its the digits after the web address says "profile.php?id="

Like mine is profile.php?id=23577

so i would be number 23,577
Now I feel old since I joined 03/27/2008 and am #7986,joined before there where 10k members...
I have seen lots of people come and go over the years though....

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