Well its Monday


In the Brooder
8 Years
Sep 25, 2011
Southmont NC
Back at the Fire Station, I would rather be home with the chickens and gardening than working. At least I have a job that supports the chickens and gardening. Be Safe Yall
Hope that this day is uneventful for you. I'm sitting here wishing it would stop raining so that I could get outside and work on some of my projects.
Well today was Tuesday and Monday was alot better. Today responded to a 5 car accident 2 people to the hospital one with broke hip the other with back and neck injuries, nothing life threating. Had a great evening at home, bored 395 holes out of 500 for shiitake mushrooms will finish my log preps tomorrow, plug seal with wax and wait. I hope everyone else had a great day.
You know I feel the same way about my job....it keeps the chickies in feed and treats and they pay me back with eggs. Hope you have an uneventful week!

p.s. I'm originally from Fayetteville, NC. I have never heard of Southmont. What is it close to? Just curious. I was born and raised in NC and thought I had heard of almost all the towns and cities. I like hearing about ones I have never heard of before. :)
Well yesterday was Monday 6 May 2013. Pretty much a normal start to the week. It was a very beautiful afternoon lot of sunshine so I took advantage of it by starting 181 more tomato plants in seed cups, turned two compost piles and got 6 free thornless blackberry plants just by thinning out the ones I already had. Got to build a new run sometime this week for my chicks that hatched 5 weeks ago.

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