Well tell me this isn’t a roo


Mar 31, 2020
West Georgia
He’s only about 5 weeks old, but he’s the only one getting tail feathers like this, am I seeing things or is this little Lavender Orp a little rooster?




I doubt it's male, by comb size.
Gender specific feathering usually isn't really telling until 3-4 months, but Lav Orps are weird.
Ya we were cleaning the brooder and I realized he/she has a lot longer defined tail feathers. I don’t see a comb either, but the feathers struck me as odd, the other 2 LO’s have small tail feathers, might just be the way this one is growing.
As mentioned before, tail feathers are not an indication of maleness. Saddle feathers are and they will grow just above the tail and flow to either side. But this won't happen until about 12-14 weeks of age. At this age going by comb size and color as well as wattle growth will tell the story. At 5 weeks, yours looks female, but it is still early. Post pictures in about 3-4 weeks for a more definitive answer.

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