Well THIS didn't work out so well....


11 Years
Oct 4, 2012
Huntsville Texas
Out of 15 Bantams, I have 11 definite Roo's. What ever happened to 50/50??!!

And so far I've only found a home for ONE Splash Silkie roo. I have advertised on CL and some other local ad sites. I've had a couple of people contact me about my Mille Fleur Roo but they're too far away.

I thought SURE I'd end up with more than FOUR hens. Actually I'm only 100% sure about the Black Frizzle and the Dark Brahma. The 2 Silkies I *think* are hens could still be Roo's too. And the Sultan I don't have a clue about. Oh I have 2 Seramas also which I'm pretty sure are hens but they're so small they're really for 'fun' anyway.

ALL the Cochins I kept out of the original bunch from McMurrays are males: 2 Lavenders, 1 each Black, White, and Buff. Beautiful Cochins -- but Roo's. The Mille Fleur is a GORGEOUS boy. The Splash Silkie which I really REALLY wanted -- boy. 3 of the Black Silkies I bought later -- boys.

I have a LOVELY mixed flock of beautiful colors -- it KILLS me to have to get rid of so many boys. And they are all so friendly. Come running when I show up, eat raisins out of my hand. This is why I wanted to get them as chicks. Now I have to get rid of so many of them -- I'd have been better off buying pullets. UGH!

Guess I'll try to give them away -- but NO ONE around here wants Bantam Roos!!
Bummer. But if it makes you feel any better, I had to weed out quite a few roos before I ended up with the 4 Silkie hens I have now. Bantams are tough, since they really can't be sexed as babies. Sometimes luck of the draw isn't so lucky :/ Good luck finding homes for your boys. I tried selling mine on Craigslist, but ended up having to give them away.
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I have been advertising them on CL since they were 5 weeks old (they're now 15 weeks). I HAVE offered them for free -- NO ONE around here wants Bantam roo's. And I live in a semi-rural area!!
Oh boy, I've got 15 bantams coming too...I so hope I don't have a lot of roos!

I ordered 8 from My Pet Chicken and since they sex bantams my odds are better, but the 15 I ordered somewhere else 'cause MPC didn't have the other breeds I wanted. Both orders are shipping close to each other.

I know I'm gonna worry the whole time until I figure out what I've got. Then I'll worry some more if I get too many roos, lol!

I guess that's the chance you take with bantams though, but they happened to be the best fit for my family and situation.
Even ordering pullets you still have a 10% chance of getting a roo. That's just about the best they can do. Don't know that the hatchery will do anything after this long but you might give them a call.
I didn't buy sexed Bantams -- they were 25 straight run. I got 27 and took 17 to the feed store to trade for dog food. Out of the 10 I kept from McMurrays (picked strictly on color only) I only got a Dark Brahma and a Frizzle Cochin hens. There's a Sultan that could be either -- s/he is kinda androgenous at this point. ALL the others are definitely roo's. :(

I bought 7 Silkies from an individual. 1 disappeared. Out of the 6 I have left, 3 Definitely and another probable are Roo's.
Even ordering pullets you still have a 10% chance of getting a roo. That's just about the best they can do. Don't know that the hatchery will do anything after this long but you might give them a call.

I didn't buy sexed Bantams -- they were 25 straight run. I got 27 and took 17 to the feed store to trade for dog food. Out of the 10 I kept from McMurrays (picked strictly on color only) I only got a Dark Brahma and a Frizzle Cochin hens. There's a Sultan that could be either -- s/he is kinda androgenous at this point. ALL the others are definitely roo's. :(

I bought 7 Silkies from an individual. 1 disappeared. Out of the 6 I have left, 3 Definitely and another probable are Roo's.

I'm the one that ordered the sexed bantams...well, partially. I realize that even with the sexed bantams it's not 100%, but I also ordered 15 straight run from a different hatchery that the place that sexes (My Pet Chicken) didn't have. I ordered 2 of each from MPC, raising my chances of getting pullets in the breeds I wanted though. The straight run order is the one I'm mainly worried about 'cause what you get is a toss up. I was told to order 3-4 of each breed to raise my chances of at least getting a pullet out of the three breeds I was wanting, but I went and ordered 5 of each breed to both meet the minimum order for bantams and to raise my chances. I hope it works!

I'm so sorry you had such cruddy luck happybooker.
Yeah, maybe you can call the hatchery? I'm not sure they'd do anything about it either, but that sure is a bad ratio. I know if I owned a hatchery I'd feel terrible for you and would offer to do something.

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