Well this takes the cake.

As soon as I walk out in the morning I get mobbed by the feathered mafia looking for their breakfast, and nearly get tripped about 20 times on the short walk from the porch to where their dish generally is that I pour the chickie pellets into. GreyLady, the new one normally wants no part of the flock and she'll go her own way totally ignoring breakfast until they are well done eating, then she may come take a poke at it. Well this morning, I got mobbed, she actually stood by and watched from say 6 feet back. I made my way over and put their food down, which they immediately surrounded the dish and began devouring like they had not eaten in weeks. This time she stood there about 5 or 6 feet back, watching them enthusiastically, clucking softly. So I made my way a bit closer to her, she moved back but didn't run like she normally did, and I dumped some extra food for her in a pile away from the main bunch and as soon as I stepped away, she came up and began eating. Slowly but surely she's coming around.

From what I read, I think she is an Americauna, and on that, they are not supposed to be a super skittish breed right? Yes yes I know there are outliers in any breed but just wondering what happened to make her so terrified of people etc when she first showed up.

Every morning when I do go out I pick each one of them up one by one and give them a big ruffle shuffle and pet, which they seem to love, hopefully I get her one day to this point too. Time will tell.

She still is not laying, still being picked on but she'll come out with them and sort of hang around not, there have been a few feather pulling incidents but that was quickly put down with the water hose to the instigators. She is very timid, does not like people however does not go into a panic and run off when she sees me anymore. I let the two biggest troublemakers out for the day and let her cooped with the other two milder birds and she seems to have relaxed a bit,

The good thing she DOES come in to roost every night, no more midnight romps with the butterfly net, so she is seeing the coop as home, so thats a good start.

Im hoping a few more weeks, the bullying is done with for good, and she settles down into being a chicken. Even if she's flighty towards people that's ok, as long as she stays healthy, does not get picked on too hard, and starts laying eggs, im good.


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