Wells Branch Municipality of Austin Rules


Jun 1, 2022
Hello, I recently purchased a home in Austin, Texas (moved from Utah) with my fiancé. Austin laws seem very backyard chicken friendly, however we live in a municipality called Wells Branch. They have a rule that no chickens are allowed, however this seems outdated to me. Does anyone have experience getting around this rule or changing them?? I have 6 baby chicks I was hoping to bring to Texas with me but my fiancé doesn’t want to break any rules. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Hello, I recently purchased a home in Austin, Texas (moved from Utah) with my fiancé. Austin laws seem very backyard chicken friendly, however we live in a municipality called Wells Branch. They have a rule that no chickens are allowed, however this seems outdated to me. Does anyone have experience getting around this rule or changing them?? I have 6 baby chicks I was hoping to bring to Texas with me but my fiancé doesn’t want to break any rules. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
If you're in a municipality, they do not have to follow the rules set but the capitol. I live in a municipality in Central Texas, and there are zero livestock rules in place. You could go talk to someone at city hall, but I'm not sure what good it would do. Sorry. Welcome to Texas!
Buy a Politician. It has a long history of success. Or run for office yourself. Small town elections often have very low participation. Also, whatever your political leanings, if you want to win an Election in the Austin area, claim to be a (D). Bastrop, (R), but Wells Branch? (D).

TX is a "Home Rule" state, meaning the local governments have incredible autonomy over zoning and permitted use, with almost no interference or oversight by the State. While there have been some legislative efforts to carve out space at the State level in local zoning (excluding HOAs) to allow chickens, those bills have gone to committee to die in each of at least the last four or five sessions. I expect that won't change in the near future.

...and as someone who spent a decade+ just outside Austin before (relatively) recently moving, who has watched friends and coworkers abandon the Austin area as soon as they can afford to do so, I assure you - whatever Austin may claim on paper - they are NOT friendly from a Code Enforcement standpoint. The city is rapidly going to the dumps, and taking its suburban neighbors with it.
Buy a Politician. It has a long history of success. Or run for office yourself. Small town elections often have very low participation. Also, whatever your political leanings, if you want to win an Election in the Austin area, claim to be a (D). Bastrop, (R), but Wells Branch? (D).

TX is a "Home Rule" state, meaning the local governments have incredible autonomy over zoning and permitted use, with almost no interference or oversight by the State. While there have been some legislative efforts to carve out space at the State level in local zoning (excluding HOAs) to allow chickens, those bills have gone to committee to die in each of at least the last four or five sessions. I expect that won't change in the near future.

...and as someone who spent a decade+ just outside Austin before (relatively) recently moving, who has watched friends and coworkers abandon the Austin area as soon as they can afford to do so, I assure you - whatever Austin may claim on paper - they are NOT friendly from a Code Enforcement standpoint. The city is rapidly going to the dumps, and taking its suburban neighbors with it.
:goodpost:and so very true!
That is so interesting because they almost seem to market themselves as very friendly to chickens and bees, etc. However I have encountered a lot of rules and restrictions already in our municipality. I'm going to try to appeal to the board and see if I can get them to vote to change it, fingers crossed! I would keep them regardless but I have a feeling one of our new neighbors would complain.


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That is so interesting because they almost seem to market themselves as very friendly to chickens and bees, etc. However I have encountered a lot of rules and restrictions already in our municipality. I'm going to try to appeal to the board and see if I can get them to vote to change it, fingers crossed! I would keep them regardless but I have a feeling one of our new neighbors would complain.
I hate to say it like this, but Austin is quickly becoming the armpit of Texas! I hope you can make some progress and wish you all the best!

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