Welsh Harlequin Breeding Thread - People who are breeding or want to breed their WH's talk

This week's picture update of my crew. Looks like I might need to get a drake afterall, as I think Jemima is starting to quack but still sounds raspy most of the time. I LOVE Jasper's silhouette and I am considering showing her if she feathers out nicely and conforms to the SOP. They are 5 and 6 weeks old now.


Elizabeth being camera shy

Delilah with FANTASTIC blushing


Alright, I'll see how it goes, then. Thank you WH Fan. :)

Oohhh your ducklings are so gorgeous! Mine were never that dark. How interesting. But your babies are absolutely GORGEOUS! I agree, Jasper's silhouette is phenomenal.
Does anyone know where I can read the APA Welsh Harlequin Standard of Perfection without buying the whole dang book? I have a 1998 version which obviously doesn't have Welshies in it :(

Neeevermind. A friend helped me out :)
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Jasper is now 9 weeks old. What do you think? Does she look like she could be show worthy someday? They're legs still need to change color but that takes awhile. The other three are 8 weeks old now


Jemima has a short neck and stands upright

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How long does it usually take for WH's legs to change color?

Hokankai, I don't really know for sure, but I think you usually have to wait until they're a few months old to really say for sure if they're going to be show quality. My guys are just now getting their colors in, and they're 13 weeks, and Erebus is the only one who *really* looks like he's getting his chest colors in. I mean, Eris and Thoth are, but definitely not nearly as much as Erebus.
Jasper is now 9 weeks old. What do you think? Does she look like she could be show worthy someday? They're legs still need to change color but that takes awhile. The other three are 8 weeks old now

This bird looks a lot like my drakes.... My girls have much less color on their backs than this but my boys have more on their chest....
She is very much a girl! She started quacking at 3 weeks old and I vent sexed them all as ducklings
. She is just from a trio of show quality WHs and has fabulous markings

This is the WH at the show that made me fall in love with the breed
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My Welsh Harlequins will be fourteen weeks old tomorrow! :)

Here's Erebus, the one I want to show in January:

My gold phase, Eris, who I'm hoping will give me a good amount of gold phase ducklings when I do start keeping the babies instead of selling them:

I'll edit this post later to add photos of my other two WHs, Thoth and Nyx.
You all seem very experienced from what i read and i have a question my ducks are about 5 months old and one of my hens has been disappearing for a little
While every morning but shows up later in the day doyou guys think shes going away and laying eggs or is she to young

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