Welsh Harlequin Breeding Thread - People who are breeding or want to breed their WH's talk

Also, I did see one of the WH hens sitting one of the 2 nest I made for them. The other three stood around encouraging her, but she didn't lay an egg. I did put golf balls in each nest. Problem is now keeping my chickens out of them. Im sure that's going to be impossible.
Jasper did great at the PNPA show this weekend! My training really came in handy, because she was not at all stressed AND was very photogenic.

She took Best of Breed in both Open shows, and Reserve Light Duck in one of them! I was volunteering as a judge clerk as well and learned a LOT. It was an awesome experience.

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Now to find a drake that's up to par! I have found I am SUPER picky and I can't find what I want...haha. I guess I'll just have to be patient or hatch one myself :)
it seems that my 1 1/2 yrs old WH have finally settled in after three week in there new home. Got one egg yesterday and 2 more today. but I was wondering the eggs seems to be so slimy looking. I have to really scrub them hard to get them white again. is that normal for duck egg?
Hi. He looks very good to me - stands well. Good colour. Don't get one that stands squat like a mallard. His bill should be a more olive green - but could be the photo and I had some yellowish like that and they went more olive with age. How old is he? Orange legs, so is he just a youngun? The white on his head is not ideal but it is probably from moulting and usually goes. Good neck ring. Make sure when you get a drake that he has the brown going over his leg. It is a major fault if it doesn't, and carries through to offspring. Great to get a loaner and get new blood. How long have you had WH and how many?
it seems that my 1 1/2 yrs old WH have finally settled in after three week in there new home. Got one egg yesterday and 2 more today. but I was wondering the eggs seems to be so slimy looking. I have to really scrub them hard to get them white again. is that normal for duck egg?
yes, duck eggs seem to have more bloom on them than chicken eggs. My Muscovy are even worse than the WH; theirs feel like they are dipped in wax.
Hi. He looks very good to me - stands well. Good colour. Don't get one that stands squat like a mallard. His bill should be a more olive green - but could be the photo and I had some yellowish like that and they went more olive with age. How old is he? Orange legs, so is he just a youngun? The white on his head is not ideal but it is probably from moulting and usually goes. Good neck ring. Make sure when you get a drake that he has the brown going over his leg. It is a major fault if it doesn't, and carries through to offspring. Great to get a loaner and get new blood. How long have you had WH and how many?

I actually found out that drake is from a feed store, so I have no idea what the genetics behind him are.

Now I think I will be picking up a top quality Holderread drake at a show. She is letting me pick which one, and these are the two I'm leaning towards.

WH Fan the American Poultry Association Standard of Perfection says you want orange legs on drakes.


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