Welsh Harlequin

Hi Zekii,

We haven't yet, but I have two hens that I think will make excellent moms next spring. The duck that one of them came from was an excellent broody. She had 2 eggs of her own, got two more added to her nest and after those 4 hatched out, she adopted a 2 week old runner. Good stock. Plus, these two I'm think of letting hatch out young next year, are also the two that make the biggest fuss when I collect morning eggs.

In general, from my understanding, WH ducks are good broodies. Good luck.

Hey Y'all. New member here, been lurkin a while gettin good info so I figured it was time to join and post. We are duck folks. Current flock is six full grown Pekins and a recent addition of seven WH ducklins. Our "backyard" is fifty acres with a 2.5 acre pond so we plan to expand the flock a bit and also are considering some Guineas.
Hey Y'all. New member here, been lurkin a while gettin good info so I figured it was time to join and post. We are duck folks. Current flock is six full grown Pekins and a recent addition of seven WH ducklins. Our "backyard" is fifty acres with a 2.5 acre pond so we plan to expand the flock a bit and also are considering some Guineas.

SO JEALOUS! Wow 50??? And a 2.5 pond! Thats more then my whole back yard! Sounds like a lot of fun! How do the WH compare to the Pekins?
SO JEALOUS! Wow 50??? And a 2.5 pond! Thats more then my whole back yard! Sounds like a lot of fun! How do the WH compare to the Pekins?

Our Welshies are still fledglings so it's hard to tell. They seem a bit shy now since we hand to catch them a few times to get em in the quack house when we has freezing weather inbound. They really seem to love the pond though.
l just received my birds from Metzer! I picked them up yesterday. I didn't get the call from the post office so I went in and checked. The girl there didn't think they came, but after she looked a 2nd time she found them. She had thought my ducks were a part of someone else's order. I am so glad she checked a 2nd time. It took them 2 days to get here.Metzer put in a little plastic food tray and a heating pad. All the green stuff was gone. I am glad they added both or they may not have made it here . There looked a little rough at first but slowly perked up after they received some water. Today, all are doing well. 4 girls and 1 boy. There are so adorable!
l just received my birds from Metzer! I picked them up yesterday. I didn't get the call from the post office so I went in and checked. The girl there didn't think they came, but after she looked a 2nd time she found them. She had thought my ducks were a part of someone else's order. I am so glad she checked a 2nd time. It took them 2 days to get here.Metzer put in a little plastic food tray and a heating pad. All the green stuff was gone. I am glad they added both or they may not have made it here . There looked a little rough at first but slowly perked up after they received some water. Today, all are doing well. 4 girls and 1 boy. There are so adorable!
Congrats!! pics when you can
I ordered them that way. I thought it would be good to have one male one..but I didn't want more than that. I love the way they all look just a little different. It makes them easier to name.

AWwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! Absolutely adorable!! Now I cannot WAIT till April when my WH's are due to come! Did you order the 4 girls 1 boy or did they just come that way?

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