Welsh Harlequin

Zombified: Adorable!
My welshie's look to be the same age as yours. They seem to change every day! So much fun to watch!
My Welshies are five weeks and three days old today. They definitely look a lot different than they did yesterday! They'll be going outside as soon as we get the makeshift coop out there. Then, we have a lot more work to build another fence and put their actual coop in there(it's hard to explain, but we basically will have two runs; that way we can put them up if we need to open up the gate or something since my grandpa's motorcycle trailer will be going in there). I'll post pictures when everything's done, if you guys are interested.

I'll also post pictures in a couple of hours when I take them out again. They're definitely beyond ready to go outside haha.
OK I have a question. I got 3 WH in April as day olds. We thought they were 2 girls and a boy. But now I'm not so sure. Can anyone help me?? I've listened to their "quack" and its the raspy boy quack. Here's a pic. What do you think??

I "think" I have either all boys or 2 boys and a badly marked girl. I'm new to WH so I need your expert advice. They are supposed to go to fair in 3 weeks!!!!!

OK I have a question. I got 3 WH in April as day olds. We thought they were 2 girls and a boy. But now I'm not so sure. Can anyone help me?? I've listened to their "quack" and its the raspy boy quack. Here's a pic. What do you think??

I "think" I have either all boys or 2 boys and a badly marked girl. I'm new to WH so I need your expert advice. They are supposed to go to fair in 3 weeks!!!!!

I think the one in the center is your boy and the other two are girls but they are in that funny teen age stage where it's a bit hard to tell as they change colors all over, but usually the boys have the most and darkest color all over
OK I have a question. I got 3 WH in April as day olds. We thought they were 2 girls and a boy. But now I'm not so sure. Can anyone help me?? I've listened to their "quack" and its the raspy boy quack. Here's a pic. What do you think??

I "think" I have either all boys or 2 boys and a badly marked girl. I'm new to WH so I need your expert advice. They are supposed to go to fair in 3 weeks!!!!!

I don't know much about WH's, but I have a pair. My drake has orange feet and legs and a light greenish bill, and the duck has dark brown feet and lets and a dark bill. I got them at a year old, so I don't know if the bill/leg color changes as they age.
That reminds me of trying to be sure of ours a couple of months ago. They are now mature and my initial choice based on day old beak color was right. It just took my gold duck longer to develop her quack than it did for my silver duck and both a bit longer than I thought it would by a week or so. My gold duck has the same color of bill as the one you have front and center there, and their leg color seems pretty random.

This is a good shot of their beak colors. All three are different.

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That reminds me of trying to be sure of ours a couple of months ago. They are now mature and my initial choice based on day old beak color was right. It just took my gold duck longer to develop her quack than it did for my silver duck and both a bit longer than I thought it would by a week or so. My gold duck has the same color of bill as the one you have front and center there, and their leg color seems pretty random. This is a good shot of their beak colors. All three are different.
I just hope we can tell by fair in 3 weeks. They seem to be taking longer to quack than my pekins. Guess time will tell.
I just found out that the 3 chicks I purchased in April are all drakes!!! SO, I am on the hunt for a female, silver phase. If you have one and are local to me (I'm located in Central IL) let me know.

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