Welsh Harlequin

I hope she doesn't go light! My favorite color is my lightest one but Ashton stands out with all that brown. She is sassy and her stand out color fits her attitude!

This is one of my welsh harlequin girls at 7 weeks old. She is much darker than my other girls and any pictures I've seen. Is this a unusual color? Is it common for them to be so dark?

Here are my others for comparison.



I don't know, sure looks like a drake to me. Here's a pic of some in hatched out 7 weeks ago.


Drake on left duck on right
It also looks like a drake to me.. just from having a mated pair. My female is louder though at quacking and more vocal, so maybe compare noises.
I ordered from Metzer all females. The dark one does quack similar to the others. I have been wondering if she is a he. Time will tell I guess.
don't be surprised if after her first molt she looks completely different! You also have to remember this breed originates from the khaki Campbell line of ducks so a hen could be as dark as a khaki Campbell def would not be sop I personally am breeding for the lightest colored female possible trying to remove as much brown from them as I can
What is SOP? Standard Operating Procedure? Or is it some duckie jargon that this newbie is unaware of?

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